Saturday, August 31, 2019

French Revolution of 1789 Was a Major Cause of the Haitian Revolution of 1791

The French Revolution of 1789 led to the development and insertion of new political forces such as democracy and nationalism which was inspired by the Enlightenment of the mid-eighteenth century. It questioned the authority of the King, priests, nobles and religion on a whole; namely Catholicism. The revolution gave new meaning to the political ideas of the people. France’s involvement in the American Revolution had left the country in a massive financial crisis.Debt, inflation a lack of food and King Louis XVI lavish spending and heavy taxation on the Commons of society served to anger the people and so they demanded a new system of government. The Old Regime and Social Stratification in France Under the system of the Old Regime the King was seen in society as being the absolute monarch whose rule was ordained my God. The King had centralized power in the Royal Bureaucracy. In unison the King and the bureaucracy preserved royal authority and maintained a system of social stra tification stipulated by the Old Regime.The society in France was legally stratified by birth, divided into three Estates. The First Estate consisting of the clergy, the Second Estate; the nobility and the Third Estate the Commons which consisted of the bourgeoisie, city workers and peasants. The First Estate, the clergy which was also made up of members from the nobility enjoyed various privileges which were unavailable to those below their station in society. They paid no taxes and to support activities of the church collected tithes or taxes on income. The Second Estate, the nobility hardly paid taxes despite their great wealth.Their source of income came from rents and dues collected from the use of their farms and estates. The Third Estate resented the privileges enjoyed by the clergy and nobility. They were forced to pay taxes, tithes to the church and rent and dues to landlords for the land they occupied. This served to cause an upset in the society as it prevented the common s from entering into upward social mobility which was primarily based on the order in which one was born. Due to these occurrences the Commons wanted to have some form of equality in the French society. Thus they were in constant negotiation with the Crown for better and more privileges.The Estates-General (1789) As a result of King Louis XVI was forced to call a meeting on Estates-General on May 5, 1789 at Versailles. This was the place where representatives from each social Estate could be represented and their grievances voiced. Social tension plaguing the Old Regime was the central grievance of those representing the Third Estate. Because the First and Second Estates were primarily made up of citizens of the nobility they were allowed to override the Third Estates as they contained two out of the three votes available. As a result the Third Estate was left voiceless.The Third Estate offered a vision that privilege in society was to be determined by usefulness rather than birth. Writers of the Enlightenment; Voltaire, Montesquies and Rousseau served to be an encouraging factor to those seeking equality in society as they viewed these privileges enjoyed by the nobility as being rooted in tradition. As a result the Third Estate invited the other estates to join a new legislature. They eventually renamed themselves the National Assembly which was based on the people rather than Estates. By doing this they revealed their intention of becoming the official legislative body of France.In the summer of 1789the National Constituent Assembly declared itself the full authority of the nation. This led to the abolition of feudalism and the system of privileges under the Old Regime. Figure 1. The Estates-General inFrance The Role of the Enlightenment The Enlightenment of the mid-eighteenth century was a philosophical movement that proposed that talent replaced birth as the main determinant of ones social standing. They believed that methods applied to studying the natura l science could be used to correct the problems of society. Advocates of this movement concerned themselves with ‘reason’ and ‘liberty’.The Enlightenment caused people to consider the view that knowledge could only be acquired through careful study and ones reasoning abilities. In order for this to be achieved religious ideology and traditional beliefs had to be forsaken. Thus they encouraged the concept of liberty which they defined as being freedom from religion, press and unreasonable government. These ideas not only inspired the Commons in France but also the politicians and Heads of State. This was what eventually inspired French revolutionaries to construct a declaration that would serve to mold a society based on reason rather than tradition.The Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen (1789) This Declaration insisted on the freedom and equality of man and gave birth to the revolutionary triad; ‘Liberty, Equality and Fraternity’ . Pu t in place by the National Constituent Assembly; was encouraged by the philosophical and political ideas of the Enlightenment. The declaration puts in place the ideology of Natural rather than religious doctrine and authority. The rights of man were to be secured and recognized by a government of elected representatives. This therefore meant an ending to privilege and feudalism; and equality in France.Clergy, nobles, judges and even ordinary tax payers lost whatever special standing they once had. Each person was now seen as being ‘identical’ before the law. Figure 2. The Declaration of the Rights of Man and Ciizen Saint Domingue prior to French Revolution The society in St. Domingue was a replica of the society in France plagued by the Old Regime of social stratification in France. This was introduced to the colony as the Royalist/Metropolitan Whites brought with them to the colony the traditions held by the Old Regime. Conflict between each social group was based on r ace and the acquisition of capital.Tensions between the Whites, Mulattoes and Blacks and more specifically within the white society; tension between the Royalists, Grand and Petite Blancs was plaguing the society in St. Domingue. This segregation within the colony can later be credited as one of the contributing factors of the revolution in 1791, as the French Revolution of 1789 left each group seeking equal rights and privileges within society Social Stratification in St. Domingue The Metropolitan Whites/ Royalists: These were whites who came directly from France to St.Domingue as members of the bureaucracy whose purpose was to see to the Governance of the colony. They enjoyed the commercial privileges of the French bourgeoisie and brought with them to the colony the traditions held by the Old Regime in France of absolutism of the monarchy and the ideology of feudalism. At the head of the bureaucracy was the Governor and Intendant. The King’s representative in the colony was the Governor who was a soldier and aristocrat. His duty in the colony was that of granting concession, being an agent for European merchandise in the colony and colonial merchandise in Europe.The Intendant in the colony had judicial responsibilities as well as seeing to the finance and general administration of the colony. The Metropolitans had extensive privileges and power in the colony that could not be enjoyed by whites below their station. The Grand Blancs: These were wealthy plantation owners, top civil and military officers of St. Domingue. Some of whom had aristocratic origins in France while others were known Creoles. Their ambition in the colony was to regain enough wealth to return to France despite the fact that they were the most prominent of social groups within the society.The Petite Blancs: These were the poor whites of St. Domingue; primarily shop keepers, book keepers and merchants. They were seen by other superior whites as being unproductive within the society, performing no important role within the economy of the colony. It was often thought that the Mulattoes and Blacks could carry out the tasks performed by Petite Blancs if they were to be deported. They were also excluded from privileges enjoyed by the Grand Blancs, however, because they were white it was easier for them to fit into the society. The Mulattoes/Affranchis: These were the children of white planters and slaves.They were exceptionally numerous within the society with the fate of their freedom resting in the hands of their white fathers. By the mid-eighteenth century their economic advances had began to overshadow members of the white society. A number of them participated in the purchase of land and slaves, they ran their own plantations and some were allowed the privilege of being educated in France. It is argued by historians David Barry Gasper and David Patrick Geggus, that the affranchise owned one third of the colony’s plantations, one quarter of the slaves and one quarter of the real estate property.Slaves: The treatment of black slaves in St. Domingue was the worst endured by slaves of the West Indies. Planters had been making immense profits in the colony to the detriment of the slaves. They were worked excessively hard, harshly punished and poorly fed. Because of this every five years the slave population of St. Domingue had to be replenished as the colony held the highest death rate of blacks within the region. Racial Tension and Discrimination in St. Domingue Prior to 1791 The Metropolitan Whites/Royalists looked upon the Grand Blancs with arrogance and disdain despite their wealth and status in society.They too however, were also resented by the Grand Blancs as they thought the Royalists to be wasteful and extravagant. They also hated the fact that they could not hold civil service positions held by the Metropolitans which meant that they had no power over the running of the colony. Similarly the most notable tension between whites can be found between the Grand and Petite Blancs. Although they were of the same colour, the Grand Blancs resented the Petite Blancs as they thought them unproductive to the economy of the colony. Due to their status in society the Petite Blancs were not able to partake in privileges enjoyed by the Grand Blancs.Voting, for example within the colony was based on the amount of property one possessed, thus the Petite Blance were exclude from the administration due to lack of land. The economic advances of the Affranchise within St. Domingue was viewed by whites as being a dangerous trend that could eventually undermine the superiority of the white plantocracy. Thus it became increasingly important to both Colonial Whites and Royalists to enforce white superiority in St. Domingue by legislating against Mulatto equality with whites by repressing their political ambitions and placing them in degrading positions n society despite their wealth and education. This was done to ensure that th e Affranchise remembered their slave origins which made it impossible for them to be equal to whites. The Mulattoes were hated by the Blacks as they showed resentment for their genealogical ties to blacks and slavery. They tried very hard to imitate the lives of the whites and saw to drown out all traces of their origin. Thus the slaves hated them as well as the whites. Due to this the slaves were feared by both the Whites and the Mulattoes as they were vastly outnumbered. Impact of the French Revolution on St.Domingue The events of the revolution in St. Domingue can be credited to the influence of the French Revolution in 1789 as it was the factor which inspired the events in St. Domingue. All social classes in the colony were greatly affected by the French Revolution as the Grand and Petite Blancs, the Affranchise and the Slaves saw the events taking place in France as an opportunity to seize liberty and equality. The Grand Blancs saw the opportunity to secure independence in the colony from the restrictions of the Mother country retarding their economic growth.Thus liberty to the plantocracy meant the removal of Metropolitan controls over the affairs of the colony. For the Petite Blancs, the impact of the ideologies of the French Revolution meant social equality with the Grand Blancs and liberty meant ‘active citizenship’ allowing them to vote freely without the acquisition of land standing in their way. For the Mulattoes in St. Domingue they thought that the revolution in France gave them the opportunity to demand civil and political rights which were denied to them because of their black origin.For the slaves equality and liberty reinforced their aspirations for personal freedom. The Revolt of the Grand Blancs The white planters in St. Domingue had began demanding political representation. The calling of the Estates-General in France in 1789 left them determined to get their interests and grievances voiced in France. Because of this the Grand Blancs supported the revolution taking place in France as for them it meant liberty from the shackles of the Mother country. For them the revolution meant freedom of trade and political control of St.Domingue at the expense of the Petite Blancs, Mulattoes and slaves. However without authority from the National Assembly, the Grand Blancs called elections in St. Domingue for a General Assembly in 1790. As a result the Petite Blancs were excluded from participating in the Assembly due to the lack of land they obtained; the Mulattoes were also excluded from partaking in the Assembly due to their lack of civil and political rights within the colony. Due to their newly found power the Grand Blancs had begun disregarding the authority of the Metropolitan whites and the National Assembly in France.Because of this the Royalist and Petite Blancs and to some extent the Mulattoes untied to crush the revolt of the planters as they preferred the Colonial ties with France and obedience to the Nat ional Assembly. Due to the defeat of their cause the Grand Blancs then turned their fury upon the Affranchise of the colony because of their role aiding the suppression of their revolt. The Revolt of the Affranchise Because of the occurrences of violence by the Grand Blancs against Mulattoes; questions concerning their civil rights and social equality were brought to the attention of the National Assembly.As such there was an attempt made to pacify the Mulattoes in the colony by allowing them equality with the Whites in the Militia. Thus in 1790 a decree was passed by the National Assembly granting voting rights and the right to hold office to all Mulatto ‘persons’ owning property over the age of twenty five who met the income requirements stipulated. However, the decision to ensure the rights of these ‘persons’ was left within the hands of the Grand Blancs who hated Mulattoes and refused to give them the right to vote.Because of this the Mulattoes were for ced to appeal to the Governor complaining that their rights were not being secured. The leader of the Mulattoes, Vincent Oge? threatened to use force if their demands were not met. Thus they encountered violent opposition from the colonial whites which eventually caused the movement to escalate into an armed revolt. Unfortunately the revolt was violently suppressed and leaders executed; however, as a result of the revolt a proposal was put forward by the Colonial Assembly that granted political rights to those born of legally free parents. The Revolt of the Slaves in 1791Figure 3. The revolt of the slaves The question of slavery in France was one of a complicated nature due to the fact that French commerce greatly depended on the production of their colonies which was facilitated by slavery. Thus revolution and resistance in St. Domingue became possible when slavery was challenged in France by the Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen. The colony was under the instruction of French laws yet these rights did not relate to the blacks. To the National Assembly the exploitation of slaves was a profitable business as such they had no intention of granting them freedom.The news of the French Revolution and its triad, ‘Liberty, Equality and Fraternity’ was dispersed throughout the colony and slave population via ships and their sailors as well as French revolutionaries who believed in the equality of all. The sailors spoke in excitement to blacks unloading and loading cargo into the ships of the events taking place in France. Upon hearing this, the slaves then realized that they had witnessed similar events that had occurred in the colony to what was happening in France in the name of liberty and equality.The Grand Blancs revolt against the Bureaucracy and in 1790 the revolt of the Mulattoes to the Grand Blancs. Thus upon hearing of the success of the French bourgeoisie the slaves took it as an example which would enable them to gain freedom from their masters. The first sign of unrest within the slaves occurred when they believed that their masters were withholding three free days that the King himself had given them. The first attempt of slaves to gain their free days originated in Port-Salut in the South province.Because the masters refused to comply, the slaves were forced to engage in a conspiracy which was aimed at ensuring their masters granting the rights the King had given them. The conspiracy was however discovered and ringleaders arrested. These occurrences signaled the beginning of the revolutionary struggle of the slaves in the South Province. The slaves of the North were also greatly affected by the occurrences in the South and thus prepared a massive revolt. Simultaneously slave gatherings in the West also appeared similar to the ones in Port-Salut.After a religious ceremony headed by voodoo priest Boukman the revolt aimed at liberty for the slaves began in the North Plain District of Acul in 1791.B I B L I O G R A P H Y Books Bayan, Patrick. ‘The Haitian Revolution and its Effects. ’ Heingmann. 1998 Brians, Paul. ‘Reading about the World: Volume 2’. American Heritage Custom Publishing. 1998 Censer, Jack and Hunt, Lynn. ‘Liberty, Equality and Fraternity: Exploring the French Revolution’. American Social History Production Inc. 2001 Gasper, David B. and Geggus, David P. A Turbulent Time: The French Revolution and the Greater Caribbean’. Indiana University Press. 1997 Greenwood, Robert and Hamber, Shirley. ‘Emancipation to Emigration’ Macmillan Publishers Limited. 2003 James, C. L. R. ‘The Black Jacobins: Toussaint L’Overture and the San Domingo Revolution’. Random House Inc. 1963 Websites Bromley, Jason. ‘Resistance and the Haitian Revolution’. scholar. library. miami. edu. 2008 Chavis, Jason. ‘The Estate-General of 1789: Foundation of the French Revolution’ french-history. suite. 101. com 2009

Friday, August 30, 2019

Film Camera Essay

1. What is a camera? A camera is a light-tight box containing a light sensitive material or device and a way of letting in a desired amount of light at specific times to create a picture on the light sensitive material. 2. What is a convex lens? A convex or converging lens will bend the light torward the center of the lens because one or both sides of the glass curve outward it also takes the various rays of light and bends them toward the same point which will eventually allow an image to form. 3. What three components make up a film camera? Define each part. The three components that make up a film camera are, 1. The mechanical element, which is the camera body and the parts associated with it. 2. The second one is the optical element, This is otherwise known as the camera lens, and finally, we got the chemical element, which would be the film. 4. These three different elements make up a film camera. 5. What is a pentaprism? What job does it do in the camera? 6. What are point and shoot cameras? How do they differ from SLR cameras? 7. What is JPEG? What considerations have to be kept in mind with JPEG? 8. What is the difference between optical and digital zoom? 9. What are the steps you can take to create a pinhole camera? Have you tried to make one? 10. What are some of the differences between film and digital cameras? Which one do you prefer? 11. What are some advantages of being able to see an image right after you’ve taken it (such as with an instant camera or being able to review the image on a digital camera)?

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Case WriteUp for Sunshine Foods Marketing

First, their motto: â€Å"As long as new products look like they will increase the company’s sales volume, they are introduced. † This is causing the company to take on too many products that don’t increase their revenues. It spreads them to thin and makes them too generic. Second, adding more products to use the unused areas of production. They need to do a cost analysis to see if using that unused production time has any cost/revenue benefit. Just because it is unused doesn’t mean that it will generate more money if it is used. Third, their contract states a grocer needs to carry at least 65 Sunshine Food items. This forces only large grocers to carry their items, which limits their market area. By limiting their market area to only large grocers they are unable to have price control and they are always competing against all of the other brands that the store carries. Sunshine’s lack of growth is primarily caused by their lack of specialization. If they can and freeze everything and anything then a consumer doesn’t see them as being â€Å"the best† in any product. Their lack of expansion into smaller stores is also holding back their growth. High overhead costs are created by Sunshine’s need to use every second of factory time. This is causing them to spend too much to create a product that returns very little. If their factories have that much unused time they should just close a few factories and focus on what is really important. Recommendations I would recommend that they first do a cost analysis on the products that they are producing. This will allow them to see which products sell the most and create the highest return. Once they know this information they need to produce more of those items and stop producing the items that aren’t helping their bottom line. Along with this, they will be able to identify which factories are the most efficient at producing those items. They can then close the slower factories and use the money to make the remaining factories more efficient. I would then have them change their contract to a much smaller number of items for stores to carry. If they lower their number to 25 items then they could sell items in more boutique shops that will have lower competition and higher prices. To really increase their profits they should pick a few â€Å"specialty† items and market themselves as having the best in those items. This will help them create more of a brand name, especially if they sell those items in the boutique shops. Case WriteUp for Sunshine Foods Marketing First, their motto: â€Å"As long as new products look like they will increase the company’s sales volume, they are introduced. † This is causing the company to take on too many products that don’t increase their revenues. It spreads them to thin and makes them too generic. Second, adding more products to use the unused areas of production. They need to do a cost analysis to see if using that unused production time has any cost/revenue benefit. Just because it is unused doesn’t mean that it will generate more money if it is used. Third, their contract states a grocer needs to carry at least 65 Sunshine Food items. This forces only large grocers to carry their items, which limits their market area. By limiting their market area to only large grocers they are unable to have price control and they are always competing against all of the other brands that the store carries. Sunshine’s lack of growth is primarily caused by their lack of specialization. If they can and freeze everything and anything then a consumer doesn’t see them as being â€Å"the best† in any product. Their lack of expansion into smaller stores is also holding back their growth. High overhead costs are created by Sunshine’s need to use every second of factory time. This is causing them to spend too much to create a product that returns very little. If their factories have that much unused time they should just close a few factories and focus on what is really important. Recommendations I would recommend that they first do a cost analysis on the products that they are producing. This will allow them to see which products sell the most and create the highest return. Once they know this information they need to produce more of those items and stop producing the items that aren’t helping their bottom line. Along with this, they will be able to identify which factories are the most efficient at producing those items. They can then close the slower factories and use the money to make the remaining factories more efficient. I would then have them change their contract to a much smaller number of items for stores to carry. If they lower their number to 25 items then they could sell items in more boutique shops that will have lower competition and higher prices. To really increase their profits they should pick a few â€Å"specialty† items and market themselves as having the best in those items. This will help them create more of a brand name, especially if they sell those items in the boutique shops.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Organizational Process Recommendation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Organizational Process Recommendation - Essay Example The control chart is basically a graph which is used to study the changes in processes over a particular period of time. The chart has a central line for the average, an n upper line which represents the upper control limit and a lower line which represents the lower control limits. The lines are determined using historical data. The comparisons of the current data to the above lines, a conclusion can be drawn about whether the variation in the process is consistent (implies process in control) or unpredictable (implies process out of control which are affected by special causes of variation). A control chart is based upon the statistical feature of normal distribution. The considerations of probability form the basis of the control limits. These basically depict whether the system in control are supported or not. The control charts can also be used to warn about the potential system problems. These charts also reveal the need for corrective action. Control charts are always prepared in real time. The procedure involves choosing an appropriate control chart for a particular data set, this is followed by determining the appropriate time period for plotting and collecting the data. The next step involves collecting the data, constructing the chart and analysing the data. Further the out of control signals on the control charts are determined and suitable steps to correct them are undertaken. The values that are obtained for repetitive measurements processes are plotted sequentially for evaluating the stability of the measurement process. These should be very similar to the test samples of interest. The absolute differences (R) of the duplicate measurements are sequentially plotted for evaluating the precision of management process. The average range which is related to the short term standard deviation. A t test is undertaken to assess whether the mean of the second set of data is has significant differences from the first set of

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Farmingville the explosive issue of illegal immigration Essay

Farmingville the explosive issue of illegal immigration - Essay Example Sandoval and Tambini try to explain the point of view of the Farmingville residents opposed to illegal immigration, in an effort to show that not all opposition is predicated on racism. Louise and Tom, opponents of illegal immigration, are not depicted as racist but as residents who have legitimate complaints against the influx of illegal immigrants to Farmingville. Louise admits that she has a problem with illegal immigrants and that she cannot abide the fact that houses designed to accommodate single families are currently housing 20 to 30 day labourers. Her concerns are legitimate and, when considering that she is not opposed to immigration but to illegal immigration, seem free of racism. Added to that, the housing situation is, from an objective point of view, intolerable and a source of concern, whether for the geriatric female neighbour living alone or for home owners who fear property devaluation. Certainly, Laura's argument may not be completely persuasive but it expresses a point of view which does not seem to speak of racism. Similarly, Tom's displeasure over the sudden influx of truck traffic may not be a persuasive argument against illegal immigration but it is a legitimate, non-racist one. ... The other Farmingville residents are invariably portrayed as incapable of expressing their stance against illegal immigration without injecting a racist undertone into their dialogue and, most definitely, without descending into emotional and somewhat illogical diatribe. The scene featuring the Californian woman is evidence of this. Juxtaposed against immigrants who are silently cleaning the streets, cheerfully organizing a soccer match and preparing the fields, the Californian woman emerges as illogically racist. She accuses illegal aliens of being thieves, murderers and rapists, insisting that their presence in Farmingville is part of a Hispanic conspiracy to re-conquer the United States and expel all non-Hispanic Americans. Needless to say, her inclusion among the ranks of the opponents of illegal immigration reflects very negatively on this group and communicates an impression of their being racist and of their predicating their opposition to illegal immigration on racist princip les. Sandoval and Tambini's depiction of the Sachem Quality of Life (SQL) group further evidences the filmmakers' failure to objectively present the controversy over illegal immigration in Farmingville. In one scene of the very many were SQL members are depicted as racist hate-mongers who are incapable of articulating a logical argument against illegal immigration, the group allies itself with national anti-immigration groups across the country. They recruit members of those other groups to speak against immigration in their "Day of Truth." It is significant that they do not present a fact-based argument against illegal immigration. For example, they claim that it hurts the economy without looking at evidence to the contrary and, more

Monday, August 26, 2019

Bio answeres Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Bio answeres - Essay Example Wunder (2014) asserts that these provision may not be applicable in the modern society and the vulnerability of the native communities has minimized. Consequently, the traditional American justice system may suit the native communities. The level of discrimination in the juvenile justice system in alarming. The system created with the objective of separating children from adult offenders have been occasionally used to target specific communities. In an argument by Finlay (2007) minority communities tend to be preyed by the system with the belief that it may incubate crime rates in adults. For this reason, minority groups such as the Hispanics and African Americans are greater targets of the juvenile justice system. Zimring & Tanenhaus (2014) are of the assumption that changes made to the juvenile justice system to transfer offender to the adult system poses more risk to minority communities. Hispanics and African Americans get transferred more from the juvenile justice system to the adult system than any other community (Zimring & Tanenhaus,

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Foreign Currency Matters Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Foreign Currency Matters - Essay Example On the other hand, if the functional currency is the Japanese Yen, then there will be no effect on exchange rates. This means that cash flows will not be impacted, hence not included in net income (Financial Accounting Standards Board, 1981). Â  In a situation where more than half of the subsidiary’s revenue is Singapore sources, the Singapore Dollar will be the functional currency but the end of year finances will be reported in Japanese Yen. On the other hand, if more than half of the subsidiary’s revenue is from Japanese sources then the functional and reporting currency will remain as Japanese Yen (Earnest & Young, 2014). Â  4. Remeasurement means that a subsidiary’s functional currency is dominant in record keeping. At the end of the year, the current exchange rates are put into an account before reporting such that any gain or loss is reflected in the income statement. On the other hand, translation means the books are kept on the functional currency and transferred directly to the reporting currency without reflecting any gain or loss out of the exchange process. This can be reflected in the equity books away from financial books (Carmichael, Whittington & Graham, 2007). Â  5. Windbigler’s statement is incorrect when he says that the current exchange rate is defined as the exchange rate between functional currencies and reporting currencies at the balance sheet. In practice, the current exchange rate is defined as exchange rate at the balance sheet of the functional currency before the reporting currency. Alvarez statement is correct concerning monetary assets and liabilities (Georgiades, 2008). Â  

Response Paper on On Being an Atheist, by H. J. McCloskey From a Essay

Response Paper on On Being an Atheist, by H. J. McCloskey From a Christian Viewpoint - Essay Example While to some this position on face value may seem to have credibility, a careful analysis of the theories from a Christian perspective shows his arguments lacking. The first thing that strikes is McCloskey’s choice of beginning his discourse with a usual and chronically pleading argument that would appear to make sense and put the entire onus of â€Å"believing† or of â€Å"faith† on a human need to want to believe, rather than a spiritual analysis of why we do. McCloskey puts forth that many theists take the position that â€Å"atheism is a cold, comfortless position,†1, and quotes one Christian as saying, â€Å"It’s harder if you don’t believe in God.† 2 McCloskey’s argument, which he extracts totally from this position, is a tired one at best, tied to a humanistic era [the 1960s] that overly promoted, at the exclusion of the spiritual founded in the intellectual, the concept of science, be it the science of human psychology or otherwise. â€Å"Proof† is the buzzword, a strange choice since proof of this overriding human need to feel comfortable in an uncomfortable world has neve r been proven, but is itself founded on the â€Å"discoveries† suggested by psychologists and sociologists and hardly based in solid scientific irrefutable fact. Much of McCloskey’s so called scientific approach falls far short of anything resembling proof. Consider McCloskey’s cosmological argument as examined by Privette (2009). â€Å"McCloskey argued that the cosmological argument was an argument from the existence of the world, as we know it.    He stated that believing in an uncaused first cause of the universe is a problem because nothing about our universe forces us to that conclusion.†3 I agree with Privette and would use the following argument, as she has, with a few of my own thoughts added on the concept of contingencies. If

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Event Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Event Analysis - Essay Example It will further help to identify the potential risks associated with the event and provide strategies to mitigate those risks. In addition, the report will focus on the staffing requirements and role of the volunteers in conducting the event successfully. Moreover, the budgetary requirement will be determined and the official partners of the festival will be identified. Additionally, the promotional strategy used by the organisers to promote the event will be evaluated. Last but not the least, recommendations will be provided in order to enhance the services being rendered to the visitors. Table of Contents 1 Executive Summary 2 Introduction 4 Technical, Site and Other Logistical Requirements of the Event 5 Identification of Possible Risks and Steps Taken by the Organisers of the Event 6 Staffing Requirements and Role of Volunteers in Conducting the Event 7 Budgetary Requirements of the Event 8 Promotions Mix Used To Promote the Event 10 Recommendations 11 Conclusion 13 References 14 Introduction Hue is acknowledged as the ancient capital of Vietnam. The city is further renowned for the glorious architecture of its palaces, temples, citadels and royal tombs among others. Furthermore, the greenish background on the banks of Perfume River has inspired several authors to create marvellous poetries regarding the heritage of the city (AsiaRooms, 2012a). Festivals and events form an essential part of the rich cultural tradition that prevails within the city area of Hue. The city is also regarded as quite famous for inspiring and rendering developmental assistance to creative artists and art enthusiasts due to which the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO) declared it as a Wold Cultural Heritage Site in 1993. It was since then that Hue Festivals have been organised. The Hue Festival includes traditional concerts, theatrical performances, dance competitions and art exhibitions along with conducting sightseeing across the city. Notab ly, Hue festivals and events are organised for the purpose of promoting peace, harmony and supporting greater cultural exchange (AsiaRooms, 2012b). Huge numbers of artists across the world participates and performs in around 200 shows in more than 40 venues which continue for 9 consecutive days within the city. The festival involves a footfall of 1.5 million domestic and 150 million international visitors (Vietnam Online, 2011). Technical, Site and Other Logistical Requirements of the Event Hue festival comprises various cultural events which are organised in different venues, especially during the evening. Therefore, sufficient lighting has been one of the prime requirements of this festival. Moreover, the availability of artist’s specific utilities requires being arranged in advance in order to welcome them with satisfactory warmth from various countries. In addition, drum is regarded to be the most crucial instruments required for conducting this event. Hence, the organise rs are often observed to hold public biddings inviting experienced contractors to provide equipments on a rental basis for installation of sound, lighting and theatrical instruments for such a massive event (Hue Festival Centre, 2010a). The venues chosen for conducting the Hue festival are generally found to emphasising on its capacity of accommodating millions of visitors. The venues are mostly open-air situated near the banks of Nghinh Luong Dinh

Friday, August 23, 2019

To produce an informal report Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

To produce an informal report - Assignment Example ROCE also increased to 24% in 2011 as compare to 20% in 2010 due to increase in net income and shareholder’s equity and decrease in long term debt. Current ratio increased from 1.39 to 1.67 mainly due to decrease in current liabilities particularly bank overdraft by 4000 during 2011 and increase in inventory by 2000 during the year. Acid test ratio also increased from 1.25 to 1.42 in 2011 due to decrease in current liabilities by 2000 and increase in current assets by 1300 during 2011. Stock turnover decreased from 20 in 2010 to 17 in 2011 due to increase in cost of goods sold and inventory, which highlights the hotel’s efficiency in managing its inventory and avoiding under stocking instead we could conclude that hotel is experiencing higher sales than the previous year. Debtor collection period decreased from 48 days in 2010 to 41 days in 2011 due to application of robust collection policies. Creditors payment period decreased from 16 days to 15 days during 2011 is mainly due to increase in payables. Capital gearing ratio decreased from 16% to 11.5% in 2011 is due to increase in shareholder’s equity and decrease in long term debt, which is considered good as it signifies the hotel dependence more on equity financing as compare to debt financing thus it lessens the risk of interest rate burden and other related fixed costs but it may also heightened the financial risk due to higher volatility in profits. As per the financial ratio analysis for the year 2010 and 2011, it is clear that Hotel is enjoying a marvelous growth in terms of sales both from rooms and other restaurant functions. However, hotel needs to control the cost of goods in order to improve the gross profit margin for the up coming years and other operating expenses. In addition, hotel may also have to look upon its payment patterns and improvise the payment period to suppliers and creditors for the goods bought on credit by paying off early. In order to reduce the financial risk

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Open Method of Coordination Essay Example for Free

Open Method of Coordination Essay 1. Introduction: This paper aims to offer an assessment of OMC performance in relation to its goals and methods. A determination therefore will be made on whether OMC goals are met and what obstacles have been met in attaining said goals. In order to attain this purpose, we will define the Open Method of Coordination (OMC), find its goals and reasons why it was introduced into EU policymaking, followed by a brief overview in academic literature. Secondly, we will analyse the concept of social inclusion/exclusion (according to Atkinson). Thirdly, we will analyse whether OMC’s social inclusion made any improvement since Lisbon through the National Actions Plans and any other possible base. 2. Analysis and discussion 2.1 Define the Open Method of Coordination (OMC) its goals and reasons why it was introduced into EU policymaking.   What is OMC’s overview in academic literature? Summit at Lisbon in March 2000 Hughes, K. (2001) said that at the DOT.COM Summit at Lisbon in March 2000, the EU set itself the strategic goal of creating full employment in a competitive and inclusive knowledge-based economy. The author stated that to reach this goal, EU prime ministers announced the adoption of a new open method of co-ordination, which is based on benchmarking and spreading best practice. Such method the author said is really intended to help member-states converge towards common objectives in areas such as employment, economic reform and social cohesion. The objective of full employment (Grubel, 1977) will always be an objective of every right-thinking state for the fulfilment of which guaranties peace and security among citizens. The four stages of OMC as described by Hughes, K. (2001) includes the following: First, EU ministers agree on policy goals in the area concerned.   Second, member-states translate these guidelines into national and regional policies, with specific targets.   Third, the ministers agree on benchmarks and indicators, to measure and compare best practice within the EU and worldwide.   Finally, through evaluation and monitoring, member-states performances are assessed relative to each other and to their declared goals. Hughes, K. (2001) also posited that advocates of this soft (i.e. not law-based) approach argue that it enables member-states to co-operate closely, yet recognizes their diversity and avoids forced harmonization. The author also opined that the approach allows co-coordinated action in areas where it would be politically difficult, or even impossible, to move forward through a common policy or legal framework.   In addition, the author said that it allows for a concerted EU approach while leaving legal competence and authority with the individual member-states.   Thus, Hughes, K. (2001) concluded that progress can be made through open co-ordination where otherwise there would be none. To balance the claim of OMC, Hughes, K. (2001) noted the fear of the critics, who believe that open co-ordination is at best a talking-shop and at worst a weapon aimed at the traditional Community method of European integration. Thus the author said: â€Å"They view the new approach as a Trojan horse for more inter-governmental decision-making. Whether they are right will become apparent as the targets of the Lisbon summit are met or not over the next few years. The more difficult question is whether it is indeed another tool for integration, or rather a move towards increased, and perhaps less effective, inter-governmentalism.† To produce a set of common but not legally-binding, objectives for tackling poverty and exclusion would seem to be an useless exercise since everything would be based on voluntary decision of the members since whatever may be agreed upon are not legally binding. But this was what happened at Lisbon where the EU leaders suggested that open co-ordination should apply to areas such as social exclusion, enterprise and e-Europe, where most or all powers remain with the member-states. Hence, Hughes, K. (2001) noted that the member-states will produce national action plans for reaching these objectives, on which the Commission will then comment. OMC therefore seems to be a unique way of solving problems among members where the absence of legally binding rules will not hinder the members to act on what is beneficial to them. The members states must really have to rest on the strength of the political pledge to the development, on its professed worth and efficacy, and on peer pressure and public support. The European Economic Integration It would be incomplete to look at OMC if none is mentioned about European economic integration. Wikipedia (2006) acknowledged the fact that thee OMC was first applied in EU employment policy, as defined in the Amsterdam Treaty of 1997, although it was not called by this name at the time. It stated that OMC was officially named, defined and endorsed at the Lisbon Council for the realm of social policy and since then, Wikepedia (2006) said the approach has been applied in the European employment strategy, social inclusion, pensions, immigration, education and culture and asylum. Tsoukalis, L. (1997) in describing the process of European economic integration said: â€Å"It concentrates mainly, although not exclusively, on the more recent phase which started around the mid-1980s and which has been characterized by a continuous expansion of the European agenda, the strengthening of intra-European economic ties, the transfer of new powers to common institutions, as well as the geographical extension of what we may call the European economic system.   †¦.   The process of integration has always been characterized by fits and starts, by bursts of activity which have often been followed by crisis and relative inaction. In the early 1990s, the economic and political climate changed once again, the deterioration of the macroeconomic environment being accompanied by successive crises in the exchange markets and growing scepticism about the future of European integration. Unemployment rates reached dangerous heights, while economic growth receded. And the armies of unemployed began to seriously threaten Europes welfare systems. Yet the process of integration did not stop; far from it. And the plan for EMU has remained on the table with a treaty seal on it. The remaining years until 1999 are therefore most likely to be dominated by preparations for the historic rendezvous with the single currency, a rendezvous which, if it does take place as scheduled, some countries at least are bound to miss.† Tsoukalis, L. (1997) also said that during the same period, the EU has gone through two more rounds of enlargement, with the accession of five new members (without counting the accession of the Eastern Là ¤nder following Germanys unification). Mentioned by the author was also the fact EU has also gone through two major treaty revisions, linked to the internal market program and EMU respectively, while a third one is under negotiation as of 1997 then. The author argues that those developments show hardly any signs of withering away. On the other hand, the same author said that there is the allegedly unstoppable trend of economic globalization which, according to so many experts and laymen, leaves little room for public regulation and effective intervention, citing as examples Ohmae (1990), Hirst and Thompson (1996) and Boyer and Drache (1996). The author also posited that European integration has indeed evolved within the context of growing international economic interdependence, a term still often used instead of globalization by the less exuberant representatives of the economics profession. 2.3 Analysis of the concept of social inclusion/exclusion (according to Atkinson). OMC could not be discussed in isolation with social inclusion/exclusion, hence out understanding of the OMC necessitates us to look more on the concepts of social inclusion (Planning Portal, 2006) and social exclusion (Kerrycdb, n.d.). Atkinson, et. al. (2002) described the concept of social inclusion and exclusion as follows: â€Å"I know there is some scepticism about the open method of coordination given its character of soft law. Yet I am convinced that an effective open method of coordination in the field of social inclusion can play a crucial political role at this stage in European politics. It will create a common understanding of our core social values that goes beyond solemn declarations at the level of heads of state and government, and so should enable us to define in a more precise way the substance of the European Social Model. It has, then, the potential to be a powerful driver.† (Emphasis supplied). The optimism of the authors (Richardson, 1994) is readily evident.   In certain circumstances, a law may have power to demand compliance (Hutter, 1997) but one could hardly limit human freedom to choose (Hill, 1993) and decide for the themselves. On discussing Principles of Indicator Construction in relation to social inclusion/exclusion Atkinson, et. al. (2002) said:   â€Å"†¦ it is an important feature of this process that the policies to achieve social inclusion are the responsibility of member states, under the subsidiary principle. Social inclusion is to be promoted through the method of open coordination, as described above. Member states are to agree on the objectives of policy, but they will be free to choose the methods by which these objectives are realized. One member state may achieve low poverty rates by active labour market policy; another may place greater reliance on social transfers. In one member state transfers may be provided by the state, in another transfers may be private. In one member state training may be associated with apprenticeships; in another, it may be part of the school system. This we have taken to mean that, for the present purpose, the social performance indicators should in principle be concerned with outputs rather than inputs. The aim is to measure social outcomes, not the means by which they are achieved. †¦.† Readily evident is the fact that indicators social inclusion/exclusion be seen in outputs and inputs that Atkinson, et. al. (2002) went further saying: â€Å"While we regard total spending on education, for example, as a measure of the resources being put into education, and hence would prefer a measure of educational attainment, we recognize that the availability of teachers may be an index of educational opportunities. If our concerns are forward-looking, then we may take into account the possibility that one can benefit from a service in the future. Confidence in the future can be improved by the existence of services; they have an option value that is a form of current output. A sense of exclusion may be generated by the absence of educational or health facilities. A person may be over school age but still feel that the absence of a secondary school in his or her town is a factor in social exclusion.† (Emphasis supplied) On discussing Social Indicators from a Member State Perspective, Atkinson, and et. al. (2002) said: â€Å"For a valuable review of both European and national initiatives, predating the National Action Plans on Social Inclusion, readers are referred to Vranken et al. (2001).† The same authors also made comparison of the conceptual frame-works adopted in different countries, the databases employed, and the indicators used. After which they consolidated national reports on poverty and social exclusion that have been formed by official and academic researchers. Further, the same authors said: â€Å"Member states differ in the degree to which they have set explicit targets for combating social exclusion. In some cases there are strategies aimed at promoting social inclusion that already include explicit targets and indicators against which to measure the effectiveness of policy. Some countries, such as Ireland, have set a national objective for the reduction of financial poverty; others have adopted a set of progress indicators by which performance is to be evaluated; and still others monitor the trends in poverty and social exclusion in a less structured manner and without pre-commitment to identified targets.† Based on said premises the author opined that the amount of space allocated to each country varies. He was quick however to mention that in each case, however, a National Action Plan on Social Inclusion (NAPincl) was submitted to the Commission in June 2001 and that the NAPincls were requested to state the progress aimed for by national policies and to list the indicators used to assess progress, and the European Union is to move from that base towards commonly agreed and defined indicators.   (Paraphrasing made) 2.3 Did the OMC social inclusion made any improvement since Lisbon like through National Actions Plans? Although there are several members stated which have adopted jointly the OMC as strategy, what is cited in answer to the question is that one involving U.K. OMC social inclusion made any improvement since Lisbon on different occasions based in the following: a. On National Actions Plans European Commission, Employment Social Affairs, Social Inclusion (2006) on Implementation and update reports on 2003-2005 National Action Plans on Social Inclusion said: â€Å"The second UK NAP (2003-05) maintains the process of developing a broad and comprehensive strategy. Facilitating access to employment for those capable of working is at the centre of the strategic approach and has been helped by continued good economic and employment growth. The strategy also envisages the provision of good income support and high quality social services to those who cannot access work. Among the groups identified as requiring special support are: lone parents; the long-term unemployed; older people; those with few or no qualifications; ethnic minority communities; sick or disabled people; and residents of deprived neighbourhoods. The strategy involves commitment to a number of targets, supported by national indicators, most notably the aim of eradicating child poverty by 2020.†Ã‚   The Commission also noted that an important measure to help meet this target has been the provision of high-quality, integrated early-years education and health, family support and childcare services in the most disadvantaged areas. Hence, the Commission believes that these services will now be extended to cover all areas of England over the next ten years and it’s thus noted that the European Social Fund has a key role in support of the National Action Plan to help people develop their employability and skills, with a particular focus on unemployed and socially excluded people. b. On how open a member state to the process Armstrong, K. (2005) in concluding the paper â€Å"Implementing The Lisbon Strategy: â€Å"Policy Co-Ordination Through ‘Open’ Methods: How Open Is The United Kingdom To The OMC Process On Social Inclusion?† stated among other things, that his study has found examples of domestic adaptation to the OMC process on inclusion. He cited that these examples relate in particular to the mobilisation of anti-poverty networks and the willingness of central government civil servants to develop new working relationships with such networks. He thus mentioned that DWP and NGOs have joined forces to develop a participation tool-kit for the next round of NAPincls is an indication of a desire to break out of traditional bureaucratic routines and at least gives the appearance of a commitment to the NAPincls. The author further said that attitudes towards the NAPincls from the devolved administrations is more ambivalent, although the idea that the EU process might serve as a model for recasting the Northern Ireland anti-poverty strategy suggests a stronger adaptation dynamic at work here. Nevertheless, the author admitted the difficulty, that it is that it is hard to escape the conclusion that notwithstanding the elaboration of new processes, the UK NAPincl remains primarily a report and not a plan. He thus noted that to be sure, it has filled a gap between the central and devolved government social exclusion and anti-poverty reports and acts as an overview of the UK as a whole. The author also noted that the lack of synchronisation between the EU co-ordination processes and the domestic cycle of budget-planning and target-setting results in a reinforcement of the domestic arena as the key driver of social inclusion objectives, indicators and targets. This he believes undercuts the ability of the UK NAPincl to do more than report on what has already been agreed. (Paraphrasing made) Armstrong, K. (2005) also said that the research reported here also highlights two different political visions of the future of OMC. Particularly he noted the evidence of domestic adaptation – particularly at the level of central government – points to the importance of altering domestic mind-sets and routines in order to buttress commitments to political change. The alternative vision, however, the author observed is that is one that looks to EU institutions – in particular the European Council – to deliver high-level messages and to steer the Member States in the desired direction. He thus argued that it may not be a matter of choosing which vision to follow but the evidence of the Lisbon Strategy to date has been that there remains a gap between the big statements of political intention and delivery within the Member States. Thus he recommended that more needs to be done to uncover the domestic mechanisms of adaptation in order to explain the success or failures of the commitments made at Lisbon. (Paraphrasing made) Conclusion: There is evidence for a European to make a statement such as: â€Å"We are we a step closer to European Social Model and is the OMC the right approach.† OMC social inclusion made any improvement since Lisbon on the basis of the following: Although there is no legal compulsion to do things in OMC, there is evidence to say that voluntary actions do accomplish great things. Even in the absence of compelling force on the basis of legislation, people have goods reasons of accomplishing their political and economic purposes. The implementation of the OMC in the United Kingdom is one of the best proofs. Although more concrete proofs are still necessary to really declare that OMC will lead the members states to success, positive developments in the early implementation bears much goods results to further build upon. The power of humanity is not only manifested in having law to force them to move but also making them more willing effort to do things when they believe that right decisions just make many great things, and OMC is the one of these.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Television broadcast Essay Example for Free

Television broadcast Essay 1. The pressure announced on last nights television weather broadcast was 29.92. Explain how this was measured and give the units. Would this be considered an unusually large or low pressure value? A pressure announced on the weather forecast of 29.92 is an average measurement. It is measured with a barometer and in the United States the units of measure are inches of mercury, or inHg. This is what meteorologist are referring to in their forecasts. 29.92 inHg is a measurement within the normal range. This may be referred to as air pressure, atmospheric pressure or barometric pressure. They are all the same thing. Low pressure readings are associated with stormy weather and precipitation, while high pressure readings are indicated by clear and calm weather. Here is Portland, Oregon, where it rains 9 months of the year, we experience normal pressure readings of 29.92 inHg or slightly higher or lower. It only changes when we have exceptionally worse or better weather. 2. If the earth did not rotate, how would you expect winds to blow with respect to high and low pressure centers? With no earth rotation, winds would blow in straight lines. They would move from a huge high pressure region, the side in direct sunlight, to the lowest pressure region. This would be the dark side of the earth. The side the sun never touches. Cold air from the dark side would then be pulled back to the sunny side in straight lines to be warmed and then pushed back again. The dark side would be in a constant state of stormy weather, while the sun side would experience beautiful clear, calm, sunny days. If it didn’t get cooked by the sun, that is. 3. If the pressure gradient force remained the same but the earths rate of rotation decreased slightly, would you expect the speed of the geostrophic wind to increase, decrease or remain about the same? If pressure gradient winds remained the same but the earth’s rotation slowed geostrophic winds would increase. The Coriolis force is a force based on the earth’s rotation. Because the earth spins objects in the atmosphere do not move in straight lines. The earth’s rotation causes them to veer of course. This is the CF. Pressure gradient winds (PGF) along with CF balance out geostrophic winds. If the earth slowed, the CF would decrease, so geostrophic winds would have to increase to maintain this balance. 4. Explain why it is much more difficult to measure snowfall amount than rainfall amount. Rain is measured by the amount of liquid contained in the measurement device. Whatever is amount of liquid is in the device, is the  measurement. However snow, has various factors that can impact its measurement. First of all snowfall measurement is based on how much liquid there would be if the snow was melted into liquid form. There are several factors that can impact how much snow is measured in a device. Wind can move snow from high points to low points and vice versa. The surface on which the snow is falling onto can also impact a measurement. The length of time the snow has been on the ground and how compact it is can also effect measurements. Measuring in several places and then using an average can give a more accurate total. Meteorologists usually forecast snow amounts giving a range of totals due to these factors which make it challenging to give an exact forecast. 5. Would you expect to find a subsidence inversion to be associated with high or low pressure? What effects might a subsidence inversion have on weather conditions at the ground? Subsidence inversions happen in areas of high pressure. A mass of cold air sinks slowly and is heated by adiabatic compression lower in the atmosphere. This causes this type of inversion. Subsidence inversions are high in the atmosphere and never reach the bottom because of turbulent mixing. The top of a subsidence inversion can usually be indicated by a smoky or dusty looking layer that has a distinguishable line. This line marks the top of this inversion. Effects can include low visibility and poor air quality. References Ahrens, C. D. (01/2014). Essentials of Meteorology: An Invitation to the Atmosphere, 7th Edition [VitalSource Bookshelf version]. Retrieved from

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

History Of The Fiat Strategic On The Market Marketing Essay

History Of The Fiat Strategic On The Market Marketing Essay The intention of this marketing strategy proposal is to examine FIATs current and historical marketing strategies and apply academic models and principles to make recommendations for their future marketing strategy. We will examine what the Agnelli family and its shareholders want to achieve for the company, which direction they are prepared to take the company to achieve their goals, and what techniques they use to evaluate their success. It is important to refer to FIATs long history, to understand some of FIATs marketing strategy options available today, and appreciates that even in this modern constantly changing environment, FIAT understands that it cannot completely lose sight of its underlying principles. History The FIAT brand was started by Gianni Agnelli in 1899 under the name Società   Anonima Fabbrica Italiana Automobili Torino (Turin). In the 1920s, utilising the same methods as those employed by Ford, FIAT began mass producing its first four seat automobile, the 509. Post World War II, Italys economy was booming and much of this can be attributed to the automobile industry. FIATs cars and farm machinery production grew rapidly due to the new production facilities that FIAT set up worldwide. In 1967 FIAT released the 124 model, a model that went on to win FIAT its first title of Car of the year  [1]  . FIATs success continued into the mid 1970s when the world experienced the oil crises which began when the Middle East declared an embargo on the U.S. During the 80s and 90s when it was experiencing heavy competition, FIAT promoted itself-lf as an innovative brand proposing avant-garde technological solutions at affordable prices.  [2]  and turned its focus to producing vehicles i n developing markets. Post Millennia Fiat was falling behind with the times and invested into changing its core structure, examining its corporate culture and building a relationship with the customer through quality and design innovations and to symbolise this new start, FIAT changed its traditional round badge to a square more formal badge. Chapter II 2.1. The FIAT BRAND FIAT has changed and developed as a car manufacturer through more than a century of existence. The company has had seven logos, symbolising the different development stages, time, age and current position. FIAT has been selected nine times directly and three times through its subsidiaries as the overall winner of the European Car of the Year award. No other company has received this premier automotive award more times than FIAT. The FIAT brand today has the power to evoke all the stages that have made the history of FIAT and its cars: being close to people, their needs and desires, with concrete answers that are flexible and customised.  [3]   2.2. Why did FIAT need the new start? Once the primero name in the Italian automobile market, due to increasing competition from international manufacturers such as the Japanese, Fiat had been unable to hold on to the number one spot. Historically imported cars were prohibitively expensive as high taxes were levied at customs so most people bought domestic cars, which contributed to the success that Fiat enjoyed for decades. Today these tariffs have been removed and Fiat is losing out to the Asian car producers who have the technological advantage with processing and production.  [4]   FIAT has been struggling and losing business over the past 10 years. A failed collaboration with General Motors (GM) only made this position worse.  [5]   FIAT has concentrated in designing small cars, rather than producing a gamut of models like its peers. The lack of segregation of Fiat model range and the placement of the brand means that its almost unidentifiable in the market. Fiat is predominantly reliant on the home market and concentrates its efforts there. Fiat cars are sold at competitive prices, but it is these low prices that are potentially having a detrimental effect on sales. FIAT cars are considered by many as being of an inferior quality which might very well be the physiological consequence of FIAT targeting a lower price. 2.3. Automotive Industry The automotive industry is one of the largest industries in the world. Although the traditional markets have reached saturation point for the conventional combustion engine (excluding vehicle replacement), emerging markets such as China and India are driving new demand. 2.4. Internal and External Analysis 2.4.1. S.W.O.T. Analysis The Internal analysis of strengths and weaknesses focuses on internal factors that give an organisation certain advantages or disadvantages in the market. Strengths Fiat has a strong historical brand name. Fiat is very good at producing small cars such as the Fiat 500. Fiat has a strong presence of Plants overseas. The senior management of Fiat are open-minded to new technologies and are very good at reviewing different ways to organise the organisation. Fiat has a strong senior management team. Weaknesses Poor economies of scale. Fiat tries to put into operation economies of scale, even though it does not the financial power to sustain them. Fiat is rarely a pioneer in introducing new models for the target market. Fiat has a weak marketing network. Their marketing department does not understand market trends and customers expectations. Meaning that Fiat tries to sell something which is not in line with what the customers wants. Poor product quality. Focus on small car segment which has lower margins. The External analysis of opportunities and threats focuses on external factors that exist in the environment. Both of them exist separately of the firm. Opportunities Emerging markets such as the Chinese market or the Indian market. The Chinese automotive market is one of the most rapidly growing in the world. Fiat wishes to focus on expanding into third world countries, markets believing that they are the only markets where firms can expect growth. With less stringent safety requirements, and people happy to trade off non-essential features for a cheaper car, Fiat does not need to invest in development of new models and features. For example, most lack air-conditioning. In fact, Fiats specialisation in smaller cars puts it at a benefit in those markets. A general trend of reintroducing classic models, or models inspired by classic models to try and take advantage of the prestige on the cachet and cool that they generated the first time around. For example, the Beatle by VW and the Mini by BMW. The technology of fuel cells, and hybrid cars presents new opportunities for the industry, and the environment. Government scrappage schemes that encourage people to purchase new cars with the incentive that their old vehicle will be scrapped in exchange for a generous minimum payment, even when this far outweighs the value of the car. Threats The recent macroeconomic downturn has also affected the demand for automotive products worldwide. Manufacturers have had to resort to widespread sales tactics to stimulate demand. Most automobile manufacturing companies around the world face innovation rivalry from Japanese manufacturers, from high technology, through just-in-time production to extensive warranties. Raw material costs are increasing. In the last decade, North American, Japanese and European markets saw a slow progress in demand. Conversely, strong demand is present in emerging Eastern European and especially in Asian markets. Both developments may stimulate price competition between firms as we approach world over-capacity. Safety standard requirements are increasing which requires more research and development, more testing and other costs associated with compliance with external bodies. 2.4.2. P.E.S.T. ANALYSIS FIAT GROUP This type of analysis is used to determine the external driving factors in the automobile industry which can affect the performance of FIAT and the automobile industry altogether. These encompass political, economical, social and technological factors. Political Factors 2008-2012 According to the Kyoto protocol, all the participating countries including the UK have to decrease greenhouse gas emissions by an average of five per cent over the five-year period. Nearly 200 countries have deposited their ratification paperwork. The most notable country that has not ratified the protocol is the United States of America The recent expansion of the EU between 2004 and 2007 should be taken into consideration, which in May grew from 15 to 27 States, including the following countries; Poland, Slovakia, Malta, Estonia, Cyprus, Lithuania, Hungary, Czech Republic, Slovenia, Latvia, Romania and Bulgaria. Economic Factors The Chinese automobile market is growing rapidly. In the past decade it has gone from an also ran to the largest producer and market in the world. Recent instabilities in the price of oil have affected the price at the pump. The price swings have been so great that fuel retailers have been unable to smooth out the price using the recognised method of buying exchange traded futures contracts or over-the-counter forward contracts. The general move to hybrid and all electric vehicles is being assisted by penalising conventional combustion engine vehicles by offering discounts on more environmentally friendly models and governments introducing progressive taxes based on carbon dioxide omissions. Social Factors Most world conflicts relate to oil production/transportation (e.g pipelines) or at least involve a country that has a significant oil supply/infrastructure, which adds to the price volatility. The increasing importance of environmental factors and the effect this has on consumers spending should not be ignored. People are gradually becoming less interested in owning a high performance, petrol guzzling car, and would rather drive a more efficient, less polluting green vehicle. This social consciousness of population extends to people who use public transportation, which is well supported in Europe. Technological Factors The demand for oil will outstrip global oil (ASPO, Association for Study of the Peak Oil Land Gas, 2005). Consequently, automobile producers are researching into alternative fuels. For instance, Iceland hopes to be self-contained in energy in another 40 years by using hydrogen fuel cells. 2.4.3 PORTER GENERIC STRATIGIES Porter summarised that there are three main strategies for a successful business model. Cost leadership, differentiation and market segmentation. Companies that pursued moderate market share often suffered the hole in the middle problem, giving them the lowest profit. Fiat Group utilises all three of these strategies, cost leadership through its relatively low cost small cars, differentiation through commercial and agricultural vehicles, aviation, financial services and publishing, and niche markets through its acquisition of Ferrari and Maserati. So one might instantly consider that by covering all three strategies, it runs the risk of spreading itself too thinly and suffering the fate of low profitability. However, Fiat has been careful keeping its different activities separate, allowing each business to focus on its core strategy, so that each one can achieve optimum success. These successful enterprises are then combined at the group level for the purpose of differentiation to make the group more resistant to market shocks. 2.4.3. FIAT FIVE FORCES Competitive rivalry within the industry There is always intense competition between companies in the automobile industry that focus both on the international and national markets. Fiat has pursued advancing itself compared to its competitors through product differentiation, improving quality and implementing producer process innovations. For example, Fiat began to look seriously at outsourcing more contracts and cutting component costs in the 1990s. FIGURE 1: Porters Five Forces for FIAT (Cammarata et al., 2006) In a continuously changing market, there is always a threat of rivalry from overseas. Intense competition from Japan and Korea has rewarded them with piece of Fiats domestic market share. Threat of the new entrants Fiat strategic aim is to expand its portfolio through acquisition. Firms can choose to merge in order to remove barriers to entry in new markets. Nearly all the main automobile companies, for instance, Toyota, Honda, Renault and Nissan acquired separate divisions or merged into a group such as Volkswagen Group and many find themselves in a very complicated cross-ownership network. In addition, Fiat has to be able to manage brand identity to keep away the threat of new entrants to its markets. Threat of the substitute products Although in the strictest sense there is not an equivalent substitute for the car, there are many alternative brands. Fiat is focused on cheaper models, good design and quality. Bargaining Power of Customers Selecting a low price point compared to its competitors reduces the ability that customers have when bargaining over the price. With its range of models and levels of equipment it can find a suitable vehicle to satisfy the customers wallet. Bargaining Power of Suppliers Fiat produces many components in house, or from within the Fiat Group. Fiat has a strong relationship with its outsourced partners. 2.4.4. PRICING STRATEGIES Premium Pricing . The practice of setting a high price for desirable and/or unique products. Fiat Group utilises this strategy for its premium marques such as Ferrari and Maserati as they have a substantial competitive advantage due to their prestige and brand loyalty. Penetration Pricing Here the price is set low initially to encourage take up, and then increased once the popularity rises. The initial low offering may result in losses which will be covered once the price is raised. Fiats pricing strategy is always to be low cost, so there is less scope to reduce prices at launch. Some naysayers might say that its Fiat motor car brand is lower quality than other mainstream produces, so this strategy might not be available to Fiat. Economy Pricing Costs of marketing and manufacture are kept at a minimum to create a product that is available to the masses. Fiat has always had the strategy of penetrating the market by setting consistently low prices, partly due to concentrating on producing small cars and partly due to avoiding competing on quality. Only recently has Fiat started investing more heavily in marketing. Price Skimming Is where a new product is released at a high price point and typically targeted at those that are early adopter and are price insensitive, or need the product at any cost. Having high prices, and more importantly high margins attracts competitors, which drives the price down. In a mature market such as the car market, price skimming is not a viable option except for possibly in the car accessories market e.g. satellite navigation when it was first introduced. Along with the four main pricing strategies, there are other approaches to pricing Psychological Pricing This approach targets the consumers emotional responses, rather than their rational response. One common trick is to select a price point such as  £19,950,  £19,990, or even  £19,999 rather than  £20,000. Product Line Pricing This is where the product is priced based on the benefit relative to other products in its range. Fiat sells its cars based on size and performance which helps the buyer understand the price relative to a, for example, a smaller model with a lower price and a high performance variant with a higher price. Optional Product Pricing Here a basic product is advertised and sold. Optional extras will then be adding to the overall price of the vehicle. Fiat, as well as all car manufacturers create a fully safety compliant vehicle with a standard engine to get people interested in their car. Once the buyer is interested then it is up to the retailer to promote the advantages over performance, styling and functionality of the optional extras Captive Product Pricing Manufacturers will charge a low price initial and recoup its margin through complementary purchases or maintenance. A recent trend in the motor industry is to sell the vehicle at low price but recoup extra money through after service and high costs of parts and labour. To counter this other companies have introduced up to a 7 year warranty. Geographical Pricing Geographical pricing is where there are variations in price around the world. Variations may occur due to shipping costs, local competition, laws and regulations. Most of Fiats vehicles sell to mainland Europe and so have the steering wheel on the left. However in the UK and elsewhere in the world the steering wheel is on the right. In tropical countries cars do not need to be fitted with a heating system, likewise in cold climates air condition need not be fitted. Car manufacturers usually create a basic model to be sold in developing countries Value Pricing In the current recession, people have less disposable income and are more likely to put off large purchases such as a vehicle, hence Fiat has to reduce margins further to present extra value to the customer. 2.4.5. MARKET SEGMENTATION Market segmentation is the process of identifying subsets of a market made up of individuals demanding similar products based on attributes such as price, function or style. A true market segment is distinct, homogenous, reacts to stimuli and behaves in the same way to stimulus. Market Segmentation, includes but is not limited to the following bases Geographical continents, countries, town, region Demographical Age, Gender, Social Class, Family Type Psychographic Cultural, Activities, Interests, Opinions, lifestyle, religion Geodemographic a combination of Geographical and Demographical Behavioural usage rate or loyalty Fiat selects models and equips vehicles based on the geographical segment of the market that they are to be sold. For example, in countries with unsealed roads it sells 4 wheel drive models, rather than sports models. In hot countries air conditioning is standard and heating is optional, likewise in cold countries the opposite is true. In South America, cars are modified to run on compressed natural gas, and ethanol fuel is used as an alternative to petrol or diesel Demographically, Fiat aims smaller, economical models at the young, performance cars at 25-45 year old men, estate/hatchback cars at young families and large saloons at senior businessmen and retirees treating themselves to a quality car that will last. Psycho graphically, electric/hybrid models aimed at the environmentally conscious. The redesigned Fiat 500 or other stylish models at trendy young people, who consider themselves a bit different Behaviourally, Appeals to those who have owned a Fiat before. The Fiat 500 is also targeted at nostalgic middle aged people who probably had one, or at least wanted on the first time around, as a second car. Fiats Four Ps Jerome McCarthy proposed the 4 Ps for describing the marketing mix Product Various models, sizes, configurations, equipments standards Price Fiats cost leadership means that its customers pay a low price Place Fiat has a worldwide presence for direct sales and distribution. Promotion How effectively Fiat can market its products through direct and indirect advertising, public relations, word of mouth and point of sale. The original four Ps can be extended by a further three Ps for marketing services People: includes employees, management and consumers Process: Procedure, mechanisms and flow of activities Physical Evidence: The environment in which the service is delivered. Both tangible goods that help to communicate and perform the service, and the intangible experience of existing and potential customers 2.4.6. Bowmans clock An expansion of Porters three generic strategies, Bowman compares price against value. The strategies form around the central spoke hence the comparison to a clock. ValuePrice Low Price Medium Price High Price High added value Hybrid. By carefully off-shoring, Fiat can reduce production costs whilst still delivering the same product Differentiation. Investing in exciting new models to build its customer base and brand loyalty Focus Differentiation. Hybrid cars and Electric cars currently have a high price, to recoup the costs involved to bring this high value attribute to the market Mediocre added value Cost Leader. Through low prices, Fiat attempts to be a cost leader Raise Price. High Margins for its premium car brands. There is a possibility of losing sales to competition, but it is unlikely to be price related Low Added Value Fiat retails budget, low specification variants to developing nations Increased Price and Low Value. With the amount of competition in the car industry, this option is not really viable. Selling such a big ticket item, people weigh up the cost vs benefits 2.4.7. Boston Matrix Created by the Boston Consulting group, this chart is used to plot a companies business units to allow a company to make decisions on strategic marketing and brand marketing. Detailed in the chart are 4 specific business units of the Fiat brand. Its important to note that even with low market share and low growth, satisfactory profits are still possible. High market share low High Star question mark / problem child growth of market cash cow dog Low European Car Market Chinese car market South American market Financial services Chapter III 3.1. Direction of Growth 3.1.1. Ansoffs Matrix Market Penetration This theory advocates the strategy that the company markets its existing products to its existing customers. By promoting the product and repositioning the brand the company can gain competitors customers, increase sales to existing customers and gain new customers that are considered part of the existing market but have not yet invested. Market Development This theory advocates the strategy that the company markets its existing products to new customers. The product remains the same although it may be repackaged physically and metaphorically for a new audience. The product may be exported to reach a new international market. FIGURE 2: ANSOFFS MATRIX (Source: slide3) Product Development This theory advocates the strategy that the company markets new products to its existing customers. The company may develop innovative replacement products, complementary products to existing products, or sell entirely disconnected products to its existing customer base. For FIAT this means updated existing models or replacing them to be marketed to existing customers, or offering complementary products such as car accessories or finance. However, Fiat divested its insurance sector in 2003. Fiat also offers aspirational brands to its existing customers in the form of Maserati and Ferrari. Diversification This theory prescribes the strategy that the company markets new products to new customers. The company diversifies into new markets where it previously had no presence. This diversification takes two forms, related diversification, where the diversification remains in the industry or market where the company is established, or unrelated diversification, where the company enters a new industry in which they have no market experience Fiat diversified itself in the related personal transportation market through its Piaggio motorcycle brand, which in 1999 it sold to Morgan Grenfell Private Equity, through the related, components, metallurgical products, production systems, commercial vehicles, buses and services vehicles, agricultural and construction equipment. It also diversifies itself into less related and unrelated industries through aviation, IT, finance, leisure, publishing, communication and even sponsorship of the Jamaican bobsledding team!  [6]   Chapter IV 4. The Method of Development 4.1. Merger or Acquisition of FIAT Apart from in its home country where FIAT is well received, it cannot rid itself of the perceived and genuine quality issues internationally. To combat this FIAT should consider recommencing its attempted allegiance with General Motors or seek a well known domestic manufacturer with a track record of delivering quality. If neither of these options are viable, FIAT could look to other strategic alliances perhaps with the Japanese, or with a German Manufacturer, highlighting the qualities that these partnerships bring when promoting their vehicles in the UK. Only by pursuing a joint venture or by associating itself with a recognised service provider will FIAT be able to be a contender in Europe. This approach will invariably be a costly one, but if the sincere objective is to increase the market share of the brand, FIAT has to follow this determined approach. Along with the failed allegiance with General Motors, over its history FIAT has had many associations (and attempted associations) with various European producers which have all ultimately failed. The reason for failure is down to two imperative reasons. Firstly any substantial agreement with an external entity would require a considerable shake-up of the production capabilities which would result in a substantial reorganisation for the employees of both parties. Secondly the outcome would change the dynamics of the Agnelli family involvement and control of the company, vastly reducing its impact in the management and running of the company. If FIAT had reached a satisfactory resolution with General Motors the combined business would have been able to win market share from its competitors by leveraging off of the synergies created by the two entities in engine, and component design. The union between the two would have allowed for the Agnelli family to control the implementation of the agreement in the Europe market.  [7]   This united company would surely be a definite force in the emerging markets of Russia, Brazil and other South American countries, particularly with its existing exposure unsurpassed by its Chapter V 5. Conclusion The analysis shows that Fiat is not a well represented and truly desirable universal brand. Its goal, and therefore its marketing effort must be to change consumers attitude and perception of the brand and promote Fiat as being superior to its competitive peers such as Vauxhall and Peugeot. By identifying rivals in the industry such as these, its possible to access relative strengths and weaknesses, similarities and disparities so as to gain an insight into the changes that must occur for the company to be successful in achieving the companys target. Similarities Differences FIAT vs. Vauxhall -Both are targeted as familiar or traditional (associated with practicality over style.) Impersonal sales -Similar notion about prices (but FIAT is considered cheaper) Vauxhall target customers are slightly older FIAT is poor quality while Vauxhall is medium quality Vauxhall is recognised for the full range of car types, FIAT is recognised for its small vehicles FIAT is less popular Fiat vs. Peugeot -Similar notion about prices -Equally reliable Peugeot is considered good quality (well built and comfortable to drive) while FIAT is poor quality. Peugeot is well designed with more has better performance Due to Fiats competitive price strategy, and its position of being a cost leader, it is considered by many as offering an unreliable, low quality alternative to the other majors. However, it is not the actual quality of FIAT cars that is driving this belief, but the customers perception of quality based on their competitive price point. Purchasing a motor vehicle is an expensive investment, and an investment that will reduce in value over time. Buyers use a combination of rational values and emotional elements when making their selection decision. Rational values involves all the costs associated with the vehicle and affordability and the emotional elements involve the selection process of choosing a vehicle or brand that you identify with and which one you would be most happy living with for a number of years. One must consider the Points of Parity and Points of difference when marketing a brand. This table is related to the points of parity and difference of each brand. Points of parity Points of difference FIAT   Traditional, rudeness Leader in cost Vauxhall   Familiar, comfortable, rust Many models (you can choose for different purposes) Peugeot   Comfortable, good design   Sportive design People need to identify with a car, feel that the car represents them. Fiat does not employ a strong enough emotional message to distinguishing it from its competitors, and offset its negative perception and creating desire am

Monday, August 19, 2019

Life Lessons in Yulisa Amadu Maddy’s No Past, No Present, No Future :: Death Maddy No Past Present Future Essays

Life Lessons in Yulisa Amadu Maddy’s No Past, No Present, No Future An age-old clichà © states that one really never appreciates what he or she has until it is gone. Does this mean that nobody has ever truly appreciated the gift of life while living? Such an assumption cannot easily be made because no one can truly know the experiences or feelings. One can only try to understand by relating it to personal experience. On the other hand, this clichà © would seem to explain the changes that people undergo as a result of a close brush with death. Some people fear death because of the mystery involved in what happens afterward. As a result few people like to think that death is simply the disintegration of a formerly animated body into a pile of dirt. T.S. Eliot capitalizes on this fear when he makes the statement: "I will show you fear in a handful of dust" (1. 30). Death is ordinarily a very abstract concept because nearly everyone would like to believe that somehow it’s not going to happen to him or her. Therefore, when the dust is placed befo re anyone, the reality of death is often enough to scare him or her into some change in perception and/or appreciation of life. Though it can be imperceptible, the change in life that often results from the fear of death can drastically alter the path of a person’s life. Such is the case for the three main characters in Maddy’s No Past, No Present, No Future. Joe loses his parents when their house explodes. Santigie loses his father, Chief Bombolai, when he falls terribly ill and tribal medicine proves inadequate. Ade (and to some extent Joe) loses Mary when she tries to abort her unwanted pregnancy. But in each case, the deaths aren’t entirely in vain. There are definite lessons to be learned. The biggest danger, however, is trying not to learn the wrong lessons. Sometimes, this task can be next to impossible. If people encounter too much death, they can become jaded. When this happens, death ceases to teach any positive lessons. Instead, it becomes something totally different. Despite it’s necessity, death is a very bleak and hopeless storm cloud looming in the distance. Nobody can escape the oncoming rain that is the life cycle. It can be depressing to think that no matter how good of a life one lives; everyone ends up dying sooner or later. Life Lessons in Yulisa Amadu Maddy’s No Past, No Present, No Future :: Death Maddy No Past Present Future Essays Life Lessons in Yulisa Amadu Maddy’s No Past, No Present, No Future An age-old clichà © states that one really never appreciates what he or she has until it is gone. Does this mean that nobody has ever truly appreciated the gift of life while living? Such an assumption cannot easily be made because no one can truly know the experiences or feelings. One can only try to understand by relating it to personal experience. On the other hand, this clichà © would seem to explain the changes that people undergo as a result of a close brush with death. Some people fear death because of the mystery involved in what happens afterward. As a result few people like to think that death is simply the disintegration of a formerly animated body into a pile of dirt. T.S. Eliot capitalizes on this fear when he makes the statement: "I will show you fear in a handful of dust" (1. 30). Death is ordinarily a very abstract concept because nearly everyone would like to believe that somehow it’s not going to happen to him or her. Therefore, when the dust is placed befo re anyone, the reality of death is often enough to scare him or her into some change in perception and/or appreciation of life. Though it can be imperceptible, the change in life that often results from the fear of death can drastically alter the path of a person’s life. Such is the case for the three main characters in Maddy’s No Past, No Present, No Future. Joe loses his parents when their house explodes. Santigie loses his father, Chief Bombolai, when he falls terribly ill and tribal medicine proves inadequate. Ade (and to some extent Joe) loses Mary when she tries to abort her unwanted pregnancy. But in each case, the deaths aren’t entirely in vain. There are definite lessons to be learned. The biggest danger, however, is trying not to learn the wrong lessons. Sometimes, this task can be next to impossible. If people encounter too much death, they can become jaded. When this happens, death ceases to teach any positive lessons. Instead, it becomes something totally different. Despite it’s necessity, death is a very bleak and hopeless storm cloud looming in the distance. Nobody can escape the oncoming rain that is the life cycle. It can be depressing to think that no matter how good of a life one lives; everyone ends up dying sooner or later.

Hitlers Rise to Power :: World War II History

Hitler's Rise to Power Adolf hitler was born in brannau, austria on the 20th of april 1889. His parents belonged to the settled middle class and his father led a thrifty but successful life. At aged 18, hitler moved to vienna where he settled for five years. He described that period of time as the worst years of his life. As a struggling artist, he tried to gain entry into the vienna academy of fine arts but was refused admission. It was in vienna that hitler was influenced by lanz von libenfels and developed very strong nationalist and anti-semitic views. In may 1913, he left for munich. During ww1 in august 1914, he enlisted in the army. he fought on the western front for 4yrs and was awarded the iron cross for bravery. he remained in the army and was given the job of spying on newly developing political parties. One such party was the german workers party founded by anton drexler in 1919. hitler was so impressed at the first meeting by what he saw and heard that he decided to join the organisation. by 1920, he was leader of this party and changed the name to the national socialist workers party, commonly known as the nazi party. The nazis forme their own small army called the SA(sturm abteilung). they were easily recognised by the brown coloured shirts they wore. the SA were used to protect the nazis at any meetings or conferences that were held. hitler made the swastika the emblem of this party. early recruits included ernst rohm, rudolf hess, heinrich himmler and josef goebbels. With the weimar government facing economic and ploitical crisis in 1923, hitler decided to make a bid for power. this came in the form a the munich putsch. On 8th november 1923, nazi's took over a beer hall in munich. many people were killed. hitler was arrested two days later and was sentenced to 5yrs in landsberg castle. he only served 9months of this sentence. while in prison, hitler wrote his famous book 'mein kampf'- my struggle. this book was a long boring insight into the mind of hitler and his anti-semitic views. During his time in prison the nazi party had disintegrated , and its members had become divided. hitler had to spend the next 4yrs rebuilding the party and giving it a solid organisational base. Hitler believed in a true german race devoid of impurity which could be achieved by the elimination of all inferior races.