Thursday, October 31, 2019

Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 6

Coursework Example It is important for business managers to understand the difference between efficiency and effectiveness. There is a minor difference between efficiency and effectiveness. Following is the definition and difference between efficiency and effectiveness: Efficiency: With respect to workplace it r refers to the time to perform a work with less time and more accuracy. For example, if a person writes one page with accuracy in 20 minutes and his counterpart writes the same page with same accuracy in half an hour. Then the person that takes just 20 minutes to write a page with the same accuracy that his colleague writes in 30 minutes is more efficient. Effectiveness: with respect to workplace it refers the level of results from the work of employees or managers. In effectiveness the emphasis is on quality rather than on time. In businesses, sometimes quality is more important than time. So in such case it does not matter if someone finishes a work in 20 minutes or 30 minutes. It is the effectiveness of the results that matter. Difference: Efficiency is a work done per unit time whereas, effectiveness is a work done over a comparatively more period of time. Efficiency is based on quality of work and time taken to complete that work. On the other hand, effectiveness is more focused on quality and less focused on the time. Answer: There is no denying of the fact that all businesses are interested in achieving higher levels of efficiency and effectiveness. There are numerous reasons behind this interest of businesses. Following are main three reasons behind this: 2. The quest of higher levels of efficiency and effectiveness make a sense of responsibility in employees and merit for promotion and benefits of employees are determined through efficiency and effectiveness. Answer a: For conducting financial analysis using accounting ratios, Visa Inc. has been selected. Visa Inc. is a global

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Teachers Day Essay Example for Free

Teachers Day Essay In our country and culture a teacher is still held in great honor and respect. He is considered as a foundation of all knowledge and source of great ideals. He is the torch bearer to the society. Students look up to him with faith and hope to seek his guidance. Teacher can guide the whole generation through his versatile personality. Dr. Radhakrishnan and Ravindranath Tagore are modern examples of great teachers who influenced this country with their philosophy. If good ideas and values are to be perpetuated and inculcated in the younger generation, they must come from the mouth of teachers in their classes at all the levels of education. Like a unit of money which circulates and has multiple effects in economy, teacher also multiplies his influence among students who come in his contact year in and year out with a few hundred students every year, he will have a life long impact on thousands of them during the period of his service before retires. Only a lamp that burns can light another lamp The teachers plays in a society is that is of a visionary architect whose mission evokes universal respect. It is not that brick and mortar do not make a school efficient and useful, nor are books in the library or appliances in the laboratory so essential. Teachers make the school or mar it. Teachers reveal the direction and the goal, where as students lay the road and journey into the future. So teachers play a significant role in moulding the future of the country.

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Legitimate Authority in the International System

Legitimate Authority in the International System Researchers and students of international relations are always faced with questions regarding if there is any legitimate authority in the international system. Other questions that these people are always faced with, is whether they can denote that the behavior of states is always motivated by factors such as power or even wealth. Furthermore, questions emerge on whether the interests of states are always the same, over a period of time and space. Mitchell (2012) denotes that this debate about the nature of authority in the international arena is always theoretical, focusing only on the contemporary international system. This paper critically examines the concept that there is no legitimate authority in the international system. In answering this question, the researcher will have to use a variety of theories, such as realism and liberalism. This paper takes the stand that the international system is anarchical in nature, and there is no legitimate authority. This concept of legitimate authority refers to the justification of people to have real power over other people, as well as the decisions they make. Mitchell (2012) further claims that legitimate authority is always exercised by the government, and the government derives justification in the use of such power because the power is given by the laws of the country. Krehoff (2008) agrees on the fact that there is no legitimate authority in the international system. This is because the international system is characterized by the interaction of states, and each state has its own interests and objectives in regard to the interaction (Bromley, Clarke, Hinchliffe and Taylor, 2009). One of the methods in which social scientists use to explain the relations and power in the international system is through the use of liberalism theory (Goldstein, 2912). Liberalism is a political concept that advocates for the freedom and rights of individuals. This theoretical framework recognizes the role of the state, as well as other actors in the international system in promoting democracy, freedom of expression, as well as other rights of individuals within the society (Baylis and Smith, 2001). Karp (2009) observes that this theoretical framework encourages participation in the international system, and for the purposes of promoting peace and stability. On this basis, the international system is characterized by inter-governmental organizations, multi-national companies, and non-governmental organizations. These institutions operating in the international system are responsible for shaping the various policies of states (Bromley, Clarke, Hinchliffe and Taylor, 2009). For instance institutions such as the United Nations, is responsible for discussing various issues that threaten the World Peace and coming up with a resolution that each and every member of the organization needs to follow. For instance in 2011, the UN Security Council passed a resolution that there was a need of intervening in the Libyan civil war, for purposes of preventing president Gaddafi from killing his own people Goldstein, (2012). Members of the Security Council, including the US, Britain, France, as well as other countries such as Canada, etc were able to provide equipments that could be used to enforce the decision by the UN Security council. Cornut (2010) denotes that this is an example of a legitimate authority, and this is because a legitimate authority is always justifiable by the rules guiding the operation of an institution. For example, the charter of the UN establishes the Security Council, with five permanent members who hold veto powers, and other non-permanent members. The charter denotes that the decision of this council are always legitimate, and supported by the laws of the charter in which all UN members are signatories. However, Baylis and Smith (2001) disagrees with the notion that the UN Security Council is a legitimate authority. Basu (2012) denotes that the UN Security council only serves the interests of the major powers holding the veto power. This is because the countries under consideration will always veto a policy developed that is against them. Basu (2012) further explains that the main reason as to why the Security Council attacked the government of Gaddafi was because he had a bad historical relation with western countries such as the United States, Britain, as well as France. On this basis, attacking Libya, and removing the government of Gaddafi would only serve the interests of countries such as the United States, Britain, and France. It is important to understand that these countries hold a veto powers in the UN Security Council. To prove his point, Basu (2012) identifies the structural adjustments policies brought forth by the World Bank, and IMF, during the 1980s, and the 1990s. Basu (2012) explains that these policies forced third world countries to liberalize their economies, even when they w ere not ready for such liberalization. Other demands initiated by World Bank, and IMF included the introduction of austerity measures. These measures forced the target governments to reduce spending on education, health, transport, security, and other important aspects of the economies of these countries. Cornut (2010) denotes that these austerity measures were responsible for the negative growth of these countries, as opposed to an increase in the growth of their economies. Goldstein, (2012) denotes that the World Bank, and the IMF are institutions of liberalism, and on this basis, they failed to promote equality of human rights, in regard to trade and economic stability. Instead, through their structural adjustment policies, IMF and World Bank are responsible for eroding the economies of these states. Furthermore, Goldstein, (2012) believes denotes that IMF and World Bank are controlled by its major donors, which include France, USA, Britain, as well as Japan. On this note, the policies developed by World Bank and IMF a re aimed at protecting the interests of their major financers. Dominese (2010) further denotes that the affairs of World Bank and IMF are always conducted in great secrecy, and there is no transparency while developing their policies. One of the characteristics of a legitimate authority is that it has transparency in the manner in which they develop policies. Calhoun (2002) believes that this transparency lacks in these global institutions. Dominese (2010) further asserts that a legitimate international institution will always seek to serve the interest of the international community, and not only a particular section of the international community. On this basis, institutions such as IMF and World Bank have failed to establish a legitimate international authority. Realism is a theoretical framework that supports the notion that a legitimate international authority does not exist (Goldstein, 2012). One of the principle arguments of realism is that the international system is anarchical in nature. This is because states are the major actors in the international system, and on this basis, there is no actor that has the capability of regulating the affairs of the states. Krehoff (2008) further explains that under realism, states will only relate with other states, in pursuance of their interests, and not the interest of the global good. Dominese (2010) defines international anarchy as a concept whereby the international system does not have a leader, i.e. a sovereign worldwide government does not exist. On this basis, Dominese (2010) denotes that the international system does not have a hierarchical authority which has the capability of enforcing laws, and resolving disputes, just like states in the domestic politics. This observation by Dominese (2010) is correct, and this is because legal international institutions such as the International Criminal Court (ICC) only depends on the goodwill of signatory states to arrest and handover people indicted by the court. On this basis, Goldstein, (2012) denotes that without cooperation from member states, ICC won’t be able to carry out its mandate. Tight (2005) denotes that this lack of an hierarchical structure at the international system, is one of the main reasons as to why institutions formed by the principles of liberalism will always serve the interests of rich states of the world. Basu (2012) further denotes that the accumulation of power and the need for survival are the major factors that influence the behavior of states in the international system. On this note, states will carry out any activity aimed at meeting their objectives. This creates suspicion at the international stage, amongst the various states, and because of these suspicions that exists between various states; it is difficult to create an international legitimate authority. For instance, the League of Nations failed to be a legitimate authority because of suspicions between the various states that formed the League of Nations. Based on these arguments of realism, Goldstein, (2012) explains that a legitimate international authority does not exist. In conclusion, realism is the major theory that recognizes the fact that a legitimate international authority does not exist. This is because the major arguments contained under realism, is that the international system is anarchic in nature, and the relations that occurs at the international system, are always aimed at protecting the self interests of the state under consideration. Due to this nature of states in the international arena, there is a lot of suspicion regarding the activities of states, and this makes the international system to be anarchic in nature. Because of this anarchic nature in the international system, it is very difficult for a legitimate authority to exist. To create a legitimate authority therefore, it is important to create a single interest that states should pursue in the international arena. This is a concept that is very difficult, and impossible to achieve. There are two conflicting perspective on this concept of a legitimate international authority. This is because the principles of liberalism supports this notion that there is a legitimate authority and this is in form of the various institutions formed by the states, and other international bodies. Bibliography: Basu, R. (2012). International politics concepts, theories and issues. New Delhi: SAGE  Publications. Baylis, J., Smith, S. (2001). The globalization of world politics: an introduction to  international relations (2nd ed.). Oxford: Oxford University Press. Bromley, S., Clarke, J., Hinchliffe, S., Taylor, S. (2009). Exploring social lives. Milton  Keynes: Open University. Calhoun, L. (2002). Legitimate Authority and Just War in the Modern World. Peace Change,  27(1), 37-62.   Cornut, J. (2010). David A. BALDWIN (dir.), 2008, Theories of International Relations, coll.  The Library of Essays in International Relations, Farnham, Ashgate, 725 p.. Etudes  Internationales , 41(1), 98.   Dominese, G. (2010). Theories of International Relations: from an American Science Towards a  Pluralism of Thought. Transition Studies Review, 16(4), 813-828. Goldstein, J. S. (2012). International relations (10. ed.). Boston: Pearson/Longman. Karp, D. J. (2009). Transnational corporations in ‘bad states’: human rights duties, legitimate  authority and the rule of law in international political theory. International Theory, 1(01),  87. Krehoff, B. (2008). Legitimate Political Authority and Sovereignty: Why States Cannot be the  Whole Story. Res Publica, 14(4), 283-297. Mitchell, S. M. (2012). Guide to the scientific study of international processes. Hoboken, N.J.:  Wiley. Tight, M. (2005). International relations. Amsterdam: Elsevier JAI.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Kwan Win: Buddhist Bodhisattva Essay -- social issues

Kwan Win: Buddhist Bodhisattva Compassion and Peace as a Spiritual Guide The path to spiritual freedom is sought by many people in this world. Relief from suffering is sought by many more. In these times, in all times past, and probably in times to come, the need for a spiritual guide is apparent. Kwan Yin (Guan Shih Yin in China, Kannon in Japan) is a Buddhist goddess of compassion who provides this guidance and direction for countless people. Kwan Yin reflects the Mahayana Buddhist concept of bodhisattva, a being of pure compassion. â€Å"A ‘bodhisattva’ is a person who delays his or her full enlightenment in order to aid in the liberation of all beings.† Bodhisattva literally translates to â€Å"Buddha to be†, and it is only when all beings have been relieved from suffering that a bodhisattva will allow themselves to reach parinirvana. Kwan Yin illustrates the concept of a bodhisattva very well. In one story about the Thousand-Armed Guan Shih Yin (one of her better known manifestations), a Princess named Miao Shan was disowned by her father and sent to a nunnery. At the nunnery, she was forced to do the dirtiest jobs, but this did not break her spirit. Her father, the king, then sent soldiers to the nunnery to set it on fire. After performing a miraculous deed that extinguished the fire, Miao Shan’s father was even more incensed. He sent an executioner to kill her, and she was strangled to death. After his awful actions, Miao Shan’s father became very ill with a sickn...

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Pestel Philips Essay

POLITICAL FACTORS Because Philips is an international company, it has to deal with many political factors such as: tax policy, employment laws, environmental regulations, trade restrictions and political stability inside each country they are in. Philips is a manufacturer, a sales company and needs to maintain service organization too, so it must deal with many varieties of laws and policies that are changing, depending the country and the time. For example in many countries of European union now taking place dynamic changes in employment law. (Federation of European employees, 2007) ECONOMIC FACTORS Depending on the country and the economic growth of it, the purchasing power of the population is not the same everywhere. In fact, as Philips is present in many countries, it has to adapt its products and sales processes to the buying habits and the standard of living. For Philips high economic growth means the increasing purchasing power of the population that is desirable for the company. SOCIO-CULTURAL FACTORS The social and cultural influences on business vary from country to country, region to region. It is very important that such factors are considered. Then, it is necessary for Philips to understand the consumer needs and habits in order to meet its expectations. Moreover, in developed countries nowadays, customers are paying more and more attention to ethics, respect and culture of the company. TECHNOLOGICAL FACTORS Because of the international presence of Philips, each country doesn’t have the infrastructure to welcome properly Philips’ technologies, including online processes. So Philips needs to adapt its products to the country where they are. Moreover, Philips Company is very dependant on technology. New innovations can significantly improve operations of the company. Also, it’s important not to neglect the Research and Development department even if it’s the most expensive one. ECOLOGICAL FACTOR: Many countries are now environment concerned and try to reduce pollution. Philips as a large manufacturer can face some problems because of that, even more as it is a lightening company. With the important development of the LED, Philips has a real challenge even if the LED market is not as profitable as the lamp market. LEGAL FACTOR Each country has its own legislation even countries which are parts of the same organization, for example, in Europe, there is the European legislation and the country’s legislation, so Philips needs to be aware of every aspects of this system and adapt quickly.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Cultural Norms Essay

Society comes from the French word â€Å"socià ©tà ©Ã¢â‚¬  and the Latin word â€Å"societas† which mean fellowship and companionship respectively. Other popular definitions of society are; a group of people living together because of their same interests and ways of living. All countries of the world have their own set of societies that varies depending on its citizens preferred ways of living. Societies are defined by historical events, norms and the cultures that the specific society has become accustomed to. The most influential aspect of a certain civilization to a society is its culture.   The word ‘culture’ has many meanings. It could mean the way of living of certain societies or the cultivation of plants and other things that could be cultivated.   Culture is one of the strong driving points of a society because, from its definitions, it is the collection of traits that define the people of a society and even a whole civilization.   It is the collection of traits that has been acquired by people from different experiences and events that have happened in their and other people’s lives.   Culture greatly defines the kinds of societies.   But, culture is broad.   It consists of several other ‘traits’ that give it definition.   One of which is ‘norms’. Norms are the practices that people in societies call normal.   If having unlimited children in a society is a norm, then having unlimited children is normal. Thus, if you have no children or refuse to have more than what you already have, in that society, you would be considered abnormal.   If norms are what define cultures and cultures are what define societies and civilizations as a whole, by deductive reasoning, the norms are what support the societies. Different countries have different cultures.   This is because different countries are composed of multitudes of different norms.   Norms are commonly established when a majority of the society’s population practice a particular or common habit of living.   Other justifications are when the leader of that society orders its subordinates or people to follow his rules thus making his preferences norms. Norms and cultures have broad meanings that are difficult and complex to explain.   To help explain these ideas, use of examples would be most appropriate.   A particularly good example that can help explain the function of ‘norms’ in defining a culture is the general differentiation of the East from the West. The people of the Orient consider living with nature while practicing art in forms of sculpture, pottery, painting, and writing poems as the general norm.   On the other hand, the West considers building and using machines and other inventions in making discovery, art, and everyday living more bearable and easier for its people.   The Orient used herbs and natural oils in curing their sicknesses and relied on priests to make the sicknesses go away.   In the West, discovery of medicines and other man-made products that help make the common people healthy is the norm for medicines. The general norms of the East and the West were established from the habits that the residents of the different cultures have grown to practice.   Their geographical location also helped in establishing their norms.   Also, in some countries, the rulers dictated the norms.   Other factors that gave their cultures essence are religion, art, war, and ethics which were established from their norms. I am an American citizen.   Living in America has taught me to be self-confident and judgmental at times but I understand that today, skin color, artistic preferences, and religion are more similar in every culture than different and I believe that to close the gap between the culture disparities of different nations, understanding of other cultures must be exercised before making judgments. References: Bibikova, A. and Kotelnikov V. (n.d.). East versus West. Retrieved September 18, 2007 from Calverley, N. (2006). â€Å"Where did the term â€Å"The West† originate?†. Retrieved September 18, 2007 from Culture. Merriam-Webster online dictionary. Retrieved September 18, 2007 from Norm. Merriam-Webster online dictionary. Retrieved September 18, 2007 from Swindler, A. (n.d). Culture in Action: Symbols and Strategies. Retrieved September 18, 2007 from

Cruel But Funny Roommate Pranks

Cruel But Funny Roommate Pranks Even though April Fools Day is already over, it doesnt mean that playing college roommate pranks is forbidden. So, it doesnt matter if you and your roommate are enemies or best friends - pranking can be fun either way. Some of the following ideas are pretty cruel, so think twice before pulling them on your roommate as revenge might reach you very soon. #1 A Cream Cheese Deodorant Is your roommate a little sleepy in the mornings while getting ready for the day? If yes, it will be even easier for you to pull this prank. If you want to spoil your roommates morning, everything you need to do is to take out the deodorant stick from the packaging and replace it with any cream cheese. Just unscrew the stick from the base, carve the piece of cream cheese in the same shape to match a deodorant form. Insert the fake deodorant and screw it back so that it looks just like a regular deodorant stick. This one is harmless, of course, but might get a little messy so your roommate will have to spend more time in the bathroom before going to classes. #2 A Bold Toothbrush Toothbrush pranks are always funny and easy college pranks. This prank will do the best if it is played before your roommates date. Take his or her toothbrush and cut off all the bristles. Or you can also put some salt on the brush to give that strange salty taste to any toothpaste. #3 Spiced Food Are you annoyed with your roommate eating your food? Do you want to take your revenge and wonder how to prank your roommate without them knowing? Let him or her know about that by spoiling another dinner. Just cook dinner for yourself and add some extra-hot sauce to the leftovers. This way, you will know for sure if your roommate steals your food. If you want to make this prank a little crueler, hide the milk to make your roommate struggle longer. This is one of the classic April Fools Day pranks alongside a few others which you can learn from our article. #4 Caramel Apple Who doesnt love caramel apples? Your roommate wont resist having one when seeing them freshly cooked on the table. But what your roommate doesnt know is that there is a big and juicy onion under the caramel layer. Bon appetit! Be sure to catch the reaction of your roommate at this precious moment as the shot of it might become a new meme. By the way, have you already checked our list of the best college memes? #5 A Little Late Are you looking for some ideas of funny pranks to do at home at night? This prank can ruin the whole day of your victim, especially if he or she has some important plans for the day. Just set all of your roommates clocks one or two hours ahead, making him or her be late for a job interview or classes. Too cruel! You can also set multiple night alarms to make your roommate wake up every hour or so and spoil his or her sweet dreams. Especially good for annoyingly snoring roommates. Do you need more prank ideas? Then check out our list of the best pranks that you can play on your college friends. #6 Thirsty? Many students wonder â€Å"How to prank a bad roommate?† Well, if you are in the middle of the war with your roommate, then you will totally find the following pranks suitable. If your neighbor loves drinking right out of the bottle, you can take advantage of that. The first thing that you can do is to add some little marshmallows into the milk carton before your roommate is going to drink it. This will feel just like the lamps in curdled milk. Seeing the disgust on the face of your victim at this moment is priceless. The second prank can be played with orange juice. Just fill the empty bottle from orange juice with a mix of cheese powder from a mac and cheese box with water. The taste is going to be killing. #7 Oily Hair Bathroom pranks are the most common and mean roommate pranks. You can put a thin layer of toothpaste on the toilet seat or cover a soap bar with clear nail polish. These are just classic. But there is one more thing that you can do – replace your roommates shampoo with baby oil. It will be very hard to rinse it without a shampoo (make sure to take your shampoo bottle away). #8 Uncomfortable Bed Its very simple – just take a box of crackers, crumble them and spread evenly over the sheet of your roommate and under it. Even if your roommate notices the mess and gets rid of it, he or she will struggle with the leftovers of crumbs here and there in the bed for a long time. This is a great way to give a messy roommate a hint as this is one of the easiest pranks to pull on a roommate who doesnt clean. Leaving with a roommate might be a blessing but also might be a real struggle. Either way, a little bit of humor wont hurt. Did you like our list of pranks to play on your housemates? Be careful, as pulling one of them might become a beginning of the war between you and your roommate.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

How to get the most out of your internship and actually learn something

How to get the most out of your internship and actually learn something Internships are great learning experiences. You get to dip a toe in your chosen industry, and either start working toward the future job you want, or decide that hey, maybe it’s not for you after all. (It happens.) But how do you maximize your relatively short time at your internship? What are you supposed to take from it, besides a resume point? One word: networking. Networking, or forming relationships with people in your professional field, is one of the most important things you can do at every level of your career. And when you’re just starting out in an internship, you have the opportunity to start building that network the right way. Here are 4 strategies you can use as an intern to get that network up and running.1. Don’t blow off company events.Company events can be awkward and boring, sure, but they also have two things going for them: 1) free food (usually); and 2) people congregating in one place. So if your internship company advertises any kind of g roup event that’s open to employees, you should go, even if it’s not mandatory. Company softball game, and you can’t throw? Go and sit in the stands and make friends. Book party for that executive who wrote a super-boring treatise on project management? Go, eat some cheese cubes, and chat with people from departments other than your own. Any event can be useful for networking, as long as you’re up for it. And even if you’re an introvert, don’t let that stop you.2, Organize your own events.As an intern, it can feel like you’re on the low end of the power scale, but that doesn’t mean you can’t try to make inroads with the people around you. You might not want to start by inviting the CEO for drinks, but you can try to organize lunches with your fellow interns, or some kind of after-work activity where you invite some of the people you work with.3. Ask for references before you leave.Don’t be shy! Before you wrap up your internship, ask key people if you can use them as a recommendation for future jobs. This way, you’re not only cementing your network contact, but also setting up a framework for actually asking for a reference later. Most people will likely say yes, but if you get a â€Å"no,† don’t sweat it- just move on to someone who might be more appropriate or willing to provide you a reference.4. Stay in touch.Before you leave the company at the end of summer or your internship period, send a thank you to everyone you’ve worked with- everyone who’s helped you in some way. Get business cards or contact information, then make an effort to stay in touch. LinkedIn is a great way to do this, but it’s also good to drop an email once in a while, ask how things are going these days at Corporate Corp., and let them know what you’re up to as well. Maintaining network relationships isn’t that hard, unless you let them lapse and have to awkwardl y start from the beginning when you need something later.Whatever on-the-job expertise you gain from your internship, the longer-term benefits are likely to come from the relationships you form while working there. Make sure you’re making the most of your time at any company, no matter how you feel about the work.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

9.Define the concepts of risk and threat and discuss the statement Can Essay

9.Define the concepts of risk and threat and discuss the statement Can you have Risk without Threat - Essay Example The whole idea can be also defined as: the ability of a certain system to protect all its information with respect to discretion and veracity .Another point to ponder upon is Note that the scope of this second definition includes system resources, which include CPUs, disks, and programs, in addition to information. A brawny security protocol addresses all three of these areas. Take, for example, Netscapes SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) protocol. It has enabled a detonation in ecommerce which is really about conviction (or more precisely, about the lack of trust). SSL overcomes the deficiency of conviction between transacting parties by ensuring discretion all the way through encryption, veracity through checksums, and substantiation by means of server certificates (see Chapter 15 of Unix System Security Tools). Access control -- Make sure that users admittance is only to those resources and services that they are permitted to access and that competent users are not denied access to services that they lawfully expect to receive These supplementary rudiments dont neatly put together into a particular definition. From one perception, the concepts of seclusion, discretion, and security are quite distinct and possess different attributes. Privacy is a property of individuals; discretion is a property of data; and security is a property assigned to computer hardware and software systems. From a realistic perspective, the concepts are interwoven. A system that does not sustain data discretion or entity privacy could be tentatively or even precisely "secure," but it probably wouldnt be wise to systematize it anywhere in the real world. Risk avoidance -- A security essential that starts with questions like: Does my organization or business engage in activities that are too risky? Do we really need an unobstructed Internet connection? Do we really need to computerize that secure business process? Should we really standardize on a

Friday, October 18, 2019

Technical Term Paper (Part B) Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Technical Term Paper (Part B) - Assignment Example The current network system has security lapses and faces slow response time and occasional downtime. In the process of moving and with the professional input of Wide-IP Company, Fiction Corporation intends to upgrade its system in order to adopt modern and standard network operations and security. The current hardware used in its network system was bought a long time ago and its application is based on the old technology. The network system upgrade will be essential in increasing system reliability, easy and economical maintenance of its components and increased speed of the data transfer process. At an estimated budgetary cost of $425,000 and a time frame of one month, Wide-IP Company will develop logical and physical design that will be useful in configuring Fiction Corporation network system. Project goal Making the correct and appropriate network technology decisions ensures that the organization attains its goals, the morale of the employees is retained, and the cost incurred is tenable with organization’s budgetary plan and financial objectives. In order to ensure that there is smooth transition of organization networking system from one location to the other, the right networking technology plan must be developed and implemented. In most cases, transferring a data center needs a flush cutover of the network system in order to supply remote systems that have access to data before and after migration. Wide-IP intends to develop a number of router configuration changes that would enable data center routers to be easily transferred, one at a time and dismantling the old lines after the installed new data centers are proven. This is essential in providing an uninterrupted user support during the transfer and reducing the ongoing operational risk. Project scope The project of transferring and developing a new networking system for Fiction Corporation will be done by the Wide IP Company that has 10 members who are proficient in system networking. With a budget of approximately $425,000, Wide IP Company will identify the requirements of Fiction Corporation, develop networking systems, establish errors and correct them, and provide and adhere to a detailed project schedule of 30 days. Design requirements User communities and network applications Fiction Corporation, a retail chain needs to move a new headquarter several miles away. Considering the distance and the chain operations, the main challenge is moving all the personnel to the new headquarters and ensuring that the data center supports all call centers and warehouse operations. Whereas the warehouse functions from Monday to Saturday, allowing one day transferring an AS/400 and developing new SNA links, most of the stores will be open for 24 hours, which will be significant in ensuring non interruption transfer of the network system. Basing on the viewpoint of data processing, the migration of network system will include as AS/400, a large UPS, NT PC and Novell servers, and mu ltiple RS/6000 AIX application servers. The network will be made up of 100 servers for call centers and three remote warehouses .These user communities are connected through frame relay that has ISDN backup to three routers located in data center. The three routers will run a common LAN that will be shared by the headquarter staff, call centers, the warehouse and the data center. There is a high possibility for a whole

How the trp operon works Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

How the trp operon works - Essay Example The operon contains five types of structural genes: Trp A; Trp B; Trp C; Trp D; and Trp E with specific codes and synthesizing properties. The Trp operon regulates its own production through ‘negative feedback loop’ that promotes repressive affect resulting in non transfer of certain genetic expressions or codes (Oxender et. Al., 1979). Another important feature of Trp operon is that it has got attenuators and leader peptides comprising of nearly 140 nucleotides that help to dissociate RNA decoding from the DNA encoding and thereby repress the process of transcription. Thus their property of gene regulation becomes the most critical factor to study the highly complex process of hereditary characteristics and genetic behavioral pattern in living organisms. When it is liberated in the operator, the transcription is made possible and promotes genetic transfer of characteristics. Oxender, D. L., et al. (1979). Attenuation in the Escherichia coli tryptophan operon: Role of RNA secondary structure involving the tryptophan codon region. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 76,

Staphylococcus aureus Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Staphylococcus aureus - Essay Example This test also helped in identifying the resistance of staphylococcus against certain antibiotics revealing the mechanisms used in developing the resistance such as enzyme production. Staphylococcus aureus are spherical, gram positive non spore forming with 0.5- 1Â µm long bacteria as viewed under microscope. In 1988, S.aureus was first discovered in Aberdeen by Alexanda Ogston. Determination of Staphylococcus follows an observation in solidified medium such as nutrient agar and selective medium manitolagar. This bacteria is salt tolerant. From the main genus staphylococcus there are 32 species of which 11 are harmful and can be spread causing diseases in human body. The most common of these diseases causing staphylococcus are S.aureus and S.epidermis. Growth rate and survival of Staphylococcus is affected by a number of factors including temperatures, PH, Oxygen and water present (Stewart, 2003). Staphylococcus ureus have been found to posses the ability to live in both aerobic and anaerobic environment. Staphylococcus gain entrance into the body through causing open lesion skin that is mostly red, swollen and painful. When they enter the blood vessel, staphylococcus multiplies and releases toxins that cause life threatening complications such as septic shock and endocarditis complication of heart (Gwendolyn, 1996). Studies on these bacteria have shown that people who suffer from particular diseases including diabetes, people with chronic kidney diseases, people with cancer therapy, skin burns are more susceptible of getting the Staphylococcus aureus infection. Additionally, people with transplanted organs also depict high susceptibility to infections from staphylococcus aureus since they take immune suppressive drugs. Staphylococcus aureus can be found on the noses of up to 25 percent of healthy people , in which case it remain harmless but when it gain entrance into the blood stream it causes diseases such as septic shock and meningitis

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Case Study Business Report (answering question) Essay

Case Study Business Report (answering question) - Essay Example The company’s capital is divided into units with definite values and each of these units is referred to as a share. The people who hold this shares are called the shareholders. The major traits of shares is that they are the capital units for a company and each of them has a face value that is clear-cut. Certificates are issued to their holders for indicating the shares they hold against their values. All shares have unique numbers and their values indicate the significance of an investor in a company along with the degree of their liability (Melicher & Norton, 2010). These shares can be transferred from one person to another. There are several types of shares that a company can issue and these are the equity and preference shares. The preference shareholders receive dividends at a fixed rate and also receive their capital in case the company is winding up. They are quite a safe investment since their holders receive dividends regularly. On the other hand, the holders of equit y shares receive their dividends only after the preference holders have been paid . They also do not receive dividend that is fixed. Their receiving of dividends depends on the profitability of the company. Their initial investments are only refunded once the preference share owners have been paid theirs (Droms & Wright, 2010). ... This implies that if the company makes losses the management has no obligation to pay the owners their dividends. However, shares have disadvantages to their owners since the owners of equity are only paid their dividends when there are profits. The prices of the equity shares are not constant and vary with the company’s profitability. The company could raise a lot of money in the process of raising shares and this results in the shares having low values. The holders of the equity shares experience high degrees of threats and only own the company by name. The company has the disadvantage in that it cannot trade on the equity shares. The swaying of the owners of equity when voting for leaders by the management can lead to conflicting interests between them (Droms & Wright, 2010). 2. Debentures This is the money that a company borrows for a long period of time and pledges to repay within a constant period. The companies issues certificates to the providers of this loans known as debentures. It is given under the ordinary seal of an organization. It can be described as an acknowledgment that is put in writing for the amounts borrowed. It provides the conditions and terms on the money borrowed, their interest rates, repayment periods along with the securities offered (Rundell, 2008). The debenture holders are considered as creditors to the organization and are repaid after a constant time period. Their owners do not have the rights of voting and these amounts are normally secured. There are two types of these debentures which are the redeemable and irredeemable debentures along with the convertible and nonconvertible debentures. The redeemable ones are only repaid upon maturity

Literature Review Authentic Leadership Models Essay

Literature Review Authentic Leadership Models - Essay Example rship, which responds to globalization, and (3) spiritual, holistic and transcendental leadership, which revive universal spiritual ideas to provide holistic and integrated models. Renowned personalities throughout history have provided role models of leadership, and it is through studying their leadership characteristics that many of the features of leadership models are derived. These include social and political leaders, business leaders, and also spiritual leaders such as prophets and saints. For example, the Bhagvad Gita extols the leadership of Krishna, the Buddha’s leadership demonstrated true compassion, and the Holy Quran (surah 18: 83-98) presents an exemplary model of leadership of Dhul-Qarnayn, believed by some to be either Alexander or Cyrus the Great. Confucius’ ideas also have profound lessons for modern leadership theory. Social learning theory then explains how people learn from the examples of others. In the modern era, Burns’ conceptualization of leadership as either transactional or transformational set a new paradigm in leadership theory a few decades ago. Transactional leaders are described as leading for the sake of simple social exchanges, and transactional leadership models are grounded in self-interest and designed to uphold the status quo. On the other hand, transformational leaders â€Å"stimulate and inspire followers to both achieve extraordinary outcomes and, in the process, develop their own leadership capacity† (Bass & Riggio, 2006, p. 3). The following are the components of transformational leadership: Another stronger form of leadership, namely charismatic leadership, is more socialized and constructed to serve collective interests. In the highly personalized form however, it can lead to dominating and authoritarian behavior and self-aggrandizement (Bass & Riggio, 2006, p. 13). On the other hand, more charismatic styles of leadership have been found to positively correlate with â€Å"traditional, collectivist work,

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Staphylococcus aureus Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Staphylococcus aureus - Essay Example This test also helped in identifying the resistance of staphylococcus against certain antibiotics revealing the mechanisms used in developing the resistance such as enzyme production. Staphylococcus aureus are spherical, gram positive non spore forming with 0.5- 1Â µm long bacteria as viewed under microscope. In 1988, S.aureus was first discovered in Aberdeen by Alexanda Ogston. Determination of Staphylococcus follows an observation in solidified medium such as nutrient agar and selective medium manitolagar. This bacteria is salt tolerant. From the main genus staphylococcus there are 32 species of which 11 are harmful and can be spread causing diseases in human body. The most common of these diseases causing staphylococcus are S.aureus and S.epidermis. Growth rate and survival of Staphylococcus is affected by a number of factors including temperatures, PH, Oxygen and water present (Stewart, 2003). Staphylococcus ureus have been found to posses the ability to live in both aerobic and anaerobic environment. Staphylococcus gain entrance into the body through causing open lesion skin that is mostly red, swollen and painful. When they enter the blood vessel, staphylococcus multiplies and releases toxins that cause life threatening complications such as septic shock and endocarditis complication of heart (Gwendolyn, 1996). Studies on these bacteria have shown that people who suffer from particular diseases including diabetes, people with chronic kidney diseases, people with cancer therapy, skin burns are more susceptible of getting the Staphylococcus aureus infection. Additionally, people with transplanted organs also depict high susceptibility to infections from staphylococcus aureus since they take immune suppressive drugs. Staphylococcus aureus can be found on the noses of up to 25 percent of healthy people , in which case it remain harmless but when it gain entrance into the blood stream it causes diseases such as septic shock and meningitis

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Literature Review Authentic Leadership Models Essay

Literature Review Authentic Leadership Models - Essay Example rship, which responds to globalization, and (3) spiritual, holistic and transcendental leadership, which revive universal spiritual ideas to provide holistic and integrated models. Renowned personalities throughout history have provided role models of leadership, and it is through studying their leadership characteristics that many of the features of leadership models are derived. These include social and political leaders, business leaders, and also spiritual leaders such as prophets and saints. For example, the Bhagvad Gita extols the leadership of Krishna, the Buddha’s leadership demonstrated true compassion, and the Holy Quran (surah 18: 83-98) presents an exemplary model of leadership of Dhul-Qarnayn, believed by some to be either Alexander or Cyrus the Great. Confucius’ ideas also have profound lessons for modern leadership theory. Social learning theory then explains how people learn from the examples of others. In the modern era, Burns’ conceptualization of leadership as either transactional or transformational set a new paradigm in leadership theory a few decades ago. Transactional leaders are described as leading for the sake of simple social exchanges, and transactional leadership models are grounded in self-interest and designed to uphold the status quo. On the other hand, transformational leaders â€Å"stimulate and inspire followers to both achieve extraordinary outcomes and, in the process, develop their own leadership capacity† (Bass & Riggio, 2006, p. 3). The following are the components of transformational leadership: Another stronger form of leadership, namely charismatic leadership, is more socialized and constructed to serve collective interests. In the highly personalized form however, it can lead to dominating and authoritarian behavior and self-aggrandizement (Bass & Riggio, 2006, p. 13). On the other hand, more charismatic styles of leadership have been found to positively correlate with â€Å"traditional, collectivist work,

House of the Spirits Essay Example for Free

House of the Spirits Essay In Isabel Allende’s novel The House of the Spirits, there are two definitive classes of people that are present throughout the novel. The poor class, including the peasants of Tres Marias and the socialist party members, has continual resentment towards the other class, which is the wealthy aristocratic class. The wealthy division of the novel shows little humanity towards the poor, treats the poor as servants, and control all politics involved in the country. The wealthy’s treatment of the lower class shattered the peace experienced by Chile because the poor and the wealthy maintained a struggle to co-exist with such division between their classes. The struggles between the two classes was first established early on in the novel at Tres Marias where Estreban Trueba makes it clear that he is the leader of the land and the rest of the tenants were much less important than him. Trueba was a part of the wealthy class and he takes the peasants that are housed on his land and he takes complete advantage of the people there. Word of his cruelty spread throughout the region, provoking jealous admiration among the men of his class. The peasants hid their daughters and clenched their fists helplessly because they could not confront him. Esteban Trueba was stronger, and he had impunity† (Allende 63). There was nothing that the peasants could do to a man of a higher class and Trueba takes full advantage of this. He acts as though he is untouchable throughout the novel and that the wealthy class can do whatever they please. Esteban Trueba speaks of how he believes that since he is in a higher and wealthier class, he is free to do anything that he wishes, including raping the women of Tres Marias. Esteban sees the people that live on his land as lesser human beings and Esteban believes that poor people are completely ignorant and uneducated. Theyre like children, they cant handle responsibility. How could they know whats best for them? Without [Trueba] theyd be lost (64). This attitude that the wealthy class has for those in the book ignites the resentment felt by the poor class that resounds in the rest of the story. The inequality that is present between these two classes is unbelievable throughout the book that even parts of the wealthy class begin to realize the damage that their right wing government has caused to the lower division of Chile. Even Esteban Trueba’s immediate family senses the problems that the poor face. â€Å"[Clara] now took Blanca with her on her visits to the poor, weighed down with gifts and comfort. ‘This is to assuage our conscience, darling,’ she would explain to Blanca. ‘But it doesnt help the poor. They dont need charity, they need justice’† (136). Because of this unequal treatment of the classes and the resentment that the poor held for the wealthy, the two classes could not continue to co-exist. The incessant struggle that the lower class faced when the wealthy controlled everything forced them to begin a revolution so that they can finally take control of their own lives instead of living to please the wealthy. Throughout the novel, the wealthy controlled every part of the country’s government and therefore, they controlled the country as a whole until the day that Esteban Trueba lost the election and the socialist party came to power. This is when the poor finally ceased to be dominated by the wealthy. â€Å"They lit torches, and the jumble of voices and dancing in the streets became a disciplined, jubilant procession that advanced toward the well-tended avenues of the bourgeoisie, creating the unaccustomed spectacle of ordinary citizens – factory workers in their heavy work shoes, women with babies in their arms, students in shirt-sleeves – calmly marching through the private, expensive neighborhood where they had rarely ventured before, and in which they were complete foreigners† (340). After the socialist victory there was room for a class that was previously completely blocked from the wealthy areas of living as well as in the government. The poor and the wealthy became much more even in terms of rights which, in turn, made the two classes much less divided. With such deplorable treatment of the lower class, the two classes could never co-exist peacefully unless there was a dramatic change in Chile. With a socialist victory over the conservatives, there was room for the differences between the poor and the wealthy to be diminished and for the country to be diplomatic.

Monday, October 14, 2019

A Study On The Khmer Rouge History Essay

A Study On The Khmer Rouge History Essay In Cambodia about 1.5 million people were killed in the mid 1970s. The Khmer Rouge were responsible for all the action that took place during that time. The Khmer Rouge believed in communism. They wanted everyone to be equal. The Khmer Rouge was led by Pol Pot and his brothers. The Khmer Rouge ruled Cambodia from 1975 to 1979. According to the Wikipedia article 1/5 of the countrys total population (estimates range from 850,000 to 2.5 million) under its regime, through execution, torture, starvation and forced labor (Wikipedia Khmer Rouge[1]). Also According to the same article, The leaders were mostly from middle class families and had been educated at French universities (Wikipedia Khmer Rouge[2]). The Khmer Rouges idea of communism was bad for the country of Cambodia. The Khmer Rouge relocated people, put all of the people in Cambodia to work as farmers in labor camp and changed the lifestyle of the country. The Khmer Rouge made the people work hard labor, killed a lot of people, and they brainwashed the country telling by them that communism was good for them. The Khmer Rouge took over Cambodia in 1975 and put all the people to work in hard labor and changed the way of life. Pol Pot led the Khmer Rouge. When they took over Cambodia they closed down everything and relocated people. For example in the Khmer Rouge article the author writes, New people driving them in all directions from the capital and other cities. It forcibly settled townspeople among the rural base peopleand put them in agricultural labor camps without wages, right, or free time (Khmer Rouge[3]). This shows that the Cambodians did not have any rights when the Khmer Rouge was ruling. This is important because the Khmer Rouge wanted everyone to work on farms and enslaved the people. The Khmer Rouge let many Cambodians die from starvations and the Khmer Rouge executed people. For example, in the article Khmer Rouge, it says, by the early 1979 approximately 650,000 people, or one quarter of the new Khmer died from execution, starvation overwork, disease, and denial of medical care (Khmer Rouge[4]). This shows that the Khmer Rouge had a lot of power and they could do anything to the people. This is important because the Khmer Rouge didnt care about the people. The Khmer Rouge wanted everyone to be poor and have no society. According to the Wikipedia article, The Khmer Rouge attempted to turn Cambodia into a classless society by depopulating cities and forcing the urban population into agricultural communes. The entire population was forced to become farmers in labor camp (Wikipedia Khmer Rouge[5]). This shows that everyone had to work in the farms and everyone have the same job. This is important because the Khmer Rouge wanted to have a low class society and everyone has to be the same as one another. Having a classless society was important to Pol Pot. He did not want people to become rich. He feared that people with money would be able to gain power. So, Pol Pot decided to abolish the currency system, which made it impossible to become rich. Furthermore, he took the land away from the people and did not allow anyone to own land. The people of Cambodia had nothing. While the people had nothing, the Khmer Rouge had power and they had full control of the country. They could force people to do things and they could change the lifestyle of Cambodia. The Khmer Rouge killed a lot of people. The Khmer Rouge killed those who were not pure Cambodian. For example in the Khmer Rouge article it says they killed ethic Vietnamese, ethnic Chinese, ethic Thai, Cambodian christens, Muslims, and Buddhist monks (Wikipedia Khmer Rouge[6]). This shows that the Khmer Rouge didnt want to have a mixed race Cambodians. This is important because the Khmer Rouge wanted one race pure Cambodians. This was similar to Hitler when he killed all the Jews. Pol Pot and his followers executed and tortured anyone who was not pure Cambodians. He shot them in the head, he cut off their arms, he tore their eyeballs out, and beheaded many non pure Cambodians. He did this because he believed that they were not worthy to be human beings. He devalued them and treated them worse than animals. Pol Pot and his followers were filled with hate and anger. The Khmer Rouge also killed educated people. For example, in the Khmer Rouge article it says they killed professional and intellectual in practice this included almost everyone with an education (Wikipedia Khmer Rouge[7]). This shows that the Khmer Rouge didnt want educated people around. This is important because they might form a group and tell everyone that communism is bad then everyone going to be against it. Pol Pot and his followers didnt want the people of Cambodia to be educated. They were afraid that if the people were educated, they would be harder to control. They didnt want the people of Cambodia to resist what they were doing. The Khmer Rouge believed that the best way to control the people is by keeping them uneducated and ignorant and to use force with anyone that showed resistance. The Khmer Rouge also killed people who were against communism and the Khmer Rouge didnt want capitalism in Cambodia. Pol Pot did not want a free market in his country. They wanted agriculture and farming as a way to bring the country of Cambodia to prominence. He did not want Cambodia to have any western influence. Because the previous government had affiliations with France, anyone with ties to the previous government were killed. For example in the same article it says they killed anyone with connections to the former government or with foreign governments (Wikipedia Khmer Rouge[8]). This shows that the Khmer Rouge didnt want to have any connection with other government. This is important because the Khmer Rouge want to have control of the country. Therefore while Khmer Rouge was in power they killed all non-pure Cambodians, forced people into agriculture, killed people with an education, took away land and they didnt want anyone the have connection with the government. The Khmer Rouge believed in communism. According to the definition in Wikipedia, communism is a socioeconomic structure and political ideology that promotes the establishment of an egalitarian, classless, stateless society based on common ownership and control of the means of production and property in general (Wikipedia Communism[9]). This is important because the people of Cambodia believed that the Khmer Rouge would bring a classless society to the country. Furthermore, the people of Cambodia believed that every citizen in Cambodia would participate in the decisions making process in both political in economic spheres of life. However, the Khmer rouge had a different agenda. The Khmer Rouge was able to get the support of the Cambodian people based on the vision of a classless society that allows every Cambodian citizen to participate in the decisions making process both politically and economically. However, when the Khmer Rouge got into power, their actions were far from what the y promised for the people of Cambodia. They brainwashed the people and told them that communism is good for the country. Communism is people who want everyone in the country to be the same and equal. They want everyone to have the same job and same everything. The Khmer Rouge told the people everyone gets paid the same or they might not get paid at all, everyone have access to heath care, public assistance and everyone goes to the same school. The Khmer Rouge made it sound good for the people and the Cambodians thought they were going to have those things and all the benefit. But the Khmer Rouge didnt deliver the promise they made to the people. The Khmer Rouge separated families killed people, put them to work hard on the farms, and tortured people. Some people argued that it was beneficial to have the Khmer Rouge in control of the government and country of Cambodia. The Khmer Rouges leadership provided independence from France and loosened the control from other countries. The people of Cambodia believed that if they were independent from other countries they would have peace in their country and they will not have war. Furthermore, the supporters of the Khmer Rouge believe they could be a prosperous and financially independent country. Therefore, According to An Independent Cambodia article, They broke diplomatic and trade ties with virtually all countries and launched a program to achieve self sufficiency through rice production as the great kingdoms of Angkor had done(An independent Cambodia[10]). This is important because the Khmer Rouge wanted to bring independence and freedom to Cambodia. Therefore the Khmer Rouge wanted Cambodia to be independent from the other countries and they wanted the people of Cambodia to live fr ee healthy and prosperous lives. However, the Khmer Rouge brought pain and stress for the people of Cambodia. There were no benefits for having the Khmer Rouge in the country. They killed people, took away any rights, and they put the people to work as slaves. Although Cambodia had independence from other countries, the people of Cambodia continued to suffer. The people were forced to work on rice field up to 18 hours per day. The workers were rarely fed and were not paid any wages. Furthermore, many people were executed, tortured, and force to separate from love ones. The Khmer Rouge brought destruction, pain, and did not provide the freedom and prosperity it promised its citizens. The Khmer Rouges leadership and idea of Communism was bad for the country of Cambodia. It brought nothing but bad things to the country. The Khmer Rouge put people to work hard labor. Many people worked in the rice field. They worked like slaves and they didnt get paid. Furthermore, they didnt have any freedom; they did not have a choice. They were forced to work on rice fields against their will. If they didnt comply, they were executed, tortured, or beaten badly. The Khmer Rouge relocated people and separated families and forced them to work at different places. The Khmer Rouge killed a lot of people. The Khmer Rouge wanted all the Cambodian to be pure meaning that they didnt want to have mixed racist they only wanted everyone to be one race and they killed educated people. The Khmer Rouge brainwashed people saying that communism is good for the countries but that really didnt happen. Instead the Khmer Rouge put the Cambodians in labor camps and killing people. The Khmer Rouges rei gn in Cambodia was a horrific time period for many Cambodians. Wikipedia Khmer Rouge pg7 Wikipedia Khmer Rouge pg7 Khmer Rouge Khmer Rouge pg4 Wikipedia Khmer Rouge pg8 Wikipedia Khmer Rouge pg9 Wikipedia Khmer Rouge pg9 Wikipedia Khmer Rouge pg9 Wikipedia Communism pg1 An independent Cambodia pg4

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Humorous and Sentimental Wedding Speech by the Groom -- Wedding Toasts

Humorous and Sentimental Wedding Speech by the Groom I was going to begin with "ladies and gentlemen" but on looking around I'm glad I didn't. So here goes. Distinguished guests, those of lesser distinction, and those of no distinction at all, family relatives, new and old, in-laws and out-laws, friends, friends of friends, and freeloaders, welcome to our wedding reception. First of all I would like to thank my brothers and my new sister for their kind words. I did have a speech all worked out for this special occasion, but of course now that I'm a married man, she has told me what to say instead. So here goes: On behalf of my wife - and I suppose I'm going to have to get used to saying that ?I would like to start by thanking everyone here today for sharing our very special day with us. A lot of people have traveled far to be here tonight and we are delighted to see you all. Thank you for your cards, kind thoughts, wedding gifts, and especially the big checks! And. of course, all these smiling faces I see in front of me tonight. I hope you can all get the opportunity to mingle tonight, get to know each other a little better, and, naturally, have a good time. I would like to take this opportunity to thank my parents for my upbringing and the sacrifices they have made for me. I would like to thank them both for the advice they have given me, for putting up with me, and for pointing me in the right direction usually only to watch me go off and do exactly the opposite, of course but that's what sons are for and do best. To my new mom and dad, I would like to thank you so much for everything you have done and for welcoming me so openly into your family. I feel very proud to be able to say that I am your son-in... .... You agreed to make me the happiest man in the world today and have a natural way that makes every day a joy to be with you. I know that I told you earlier but I want everyone to know how beautiful you look today. Your dress is stunning and you really do look like a little princess. You have made me the happiest and proudest man alive today by saying "I do" and I can't wait to tell everyone that you are my wife at every opportunity I have. I don't have to hope that our future together will be a happy one. I know it will be, because every day I wake to find that I love you twice as much as the day before. As every day will tell you - I?m sometimes wrong, but in marrying, I know I've made the right decision. Thank you darling. Thank you all for joining us tonight. We know we are surrounded by loved ones. Please enjoy the rest of the night and have a great time.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Web-Based Training Verses Instructor-Led Training :: essays research papers

Web-Based Training Verses In my department, we offer two types of training for automotive dealers. The first type is our Web-Based Training (WBT), and the second is Instructor-Led Training (ILT). These training courses have many similarities, such as learning objectives, total content, layout, structure and flow. They differ, however, in how each course is delivered, when the learning takes place, and the cost of the training. One of the similarities between WBT and ILT is the learning objectives. Regardless of the delivery method, the learning outcomes for the student are the same. Another similarity is the content, which may include text, graphics, quizzes, exercises, and tests. Slides comprised of graphics and text that are used to support ILT are the basis for the visuals presented in WBT. The layout, structure and flow of the two courses are also very similar. During both of the courses, information is presented to the student, an application exercise is conducted, a quiz on the learning module is given. A final summarizing exam is provided after all the learning modules are complete. While WBT and ILT have similarities, they have differences as well. One of these differences is in the way the course is delivered. WBT is offered online, in a multimedia format where the student sits solo in front of a computer and interacts only with the content. ILT takes place in a classroom, where students receive lectures, ask questions of the instructor, and engage in discussions. A further difference is in the learning environment, including when the learning takes place. WBT is held at any time, at any place, on a computer with an internet connection. Not all students learn at the same pace, or at the same time (asynchronous). However, ILT is scheduled, and directed, and class start and end times are based on availability of faculties and instructor. ILT is synchronous and learning takes place concurrently; everyone takes it at the same time with a group of people with which they interact (L. Ross, personal communication, June 12, 2003). The WBT version of our course is priced with a one-time registration fee of fifty dollars. The bundles range from one hundred to three hundred dollars in price. The dealer chooses a bundle of three, six, or twelve courses. This is a pricing strategy based on volume, and the more you purchase the more you save. ILT pricing is on a per attendee basis.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Why I Chose to Go Back to College

Why did I wait so long to go back to school has been my thought since I started classes on –online? It has been such an enriching experience, since starting classes, and I really regret starting as late as I did, but I am very excited that I did. By making the choice to go back to school as an adult it has not only enriched my life but my children lives as well. Working out the time and mustarding up the energy to complete a degree was not all what I wanted to look forward to, but I knew that without the degree I wouldn’t have the knowledge that it took to have a successful catering business. Most importantly I needed to show my children all of the surprising benefits that come along with completing your degree. My decision to go back to school to get my bachelor’s degree in Business came from the fact that I wanted my catering business to grow to new levels. Seven years ago I decided to start my own catering business due to my friends and family stating that I really had a product in the food that I prepared. The thought of going to College as an adult, sitting in a class with students half my age, or much more knowledgeable about the subjects at hand made me nervous, but I knew I needed a business degree to able to achieve the goals that I have set for myself. Receiving my degree will also allow more doors to open if I decide to go back into the workforce. During high school I was very driven and I knew what I wanted to do with my life. By the time I reached the age of 18 I derailed from the plans that I had set out for myself and decided that getting my GED would be the best decision for my life at the time. School is very expensive, I said. Paying back student loans for the rest of my life and not actually achieving the degree also made me apprehensive about starting before I was ready. My sixteen yr. ld Son will be searching for a collage within the next year, and I want him to take it into consideration very carefully as I did, so I try not to push him into any direction so that he can make a decision that he will be able to receive a degree that he feels is the best for him. So what I am trying to say is, the knowledge that is needed to grow a business from nothing to everything is never ending, there are so many things to learn and it is well worth the time to just as well as learn anything that is beneficial not only to business but to your personal life as well. Deciding to go back to school in my thirties really was the best move for me because there is now the option to go to school on line, I can make better decisions as far as my career goes and I can continue to raise my three children and go to class at my own convenience. Focusing on the business while going to school on-line has already made a significant difference in the way I operate and market the business today.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Issue of Problem Facing the Welfare

Perhaps no other child-serving systems encounter a higher percentage of children with a trauma history than the child welfare system. Almost by definition, children served by child welfare have experienced at least one major traumatic event, and many have long and complex trauma histories. Children in the child welfare system, especially those in foster care, have a higher prevalence of mental health problems than the general population. Abuse and neglect often occur with concurrent exposure to domestic violence, substance abuse, and community violence.These children also often face the additional stressors of removal from the home, multiple placements in out-of-home care (foster homes, shelters, group homes, residential treatment facilities, kinship placements), and different schools and peer groups. Research shows that exposure to trauma can increase the risk of experiencing multiple types of trauma, known as polyvictimization or complex trauma, with increased likelihood of adverse traumatic symptoms. CWLA is committed to ensuring that children and their families are provided with effective trauma-informed services that lead to their optimal well-being.In the winter of 2012, CWLA will devote a special issue of its journal, Child Welfare, to addressing the effect of child traumatic stress on children, families, operations, and staff within child welfare. Of particular interest are articles that address the following: Trauma-informed, evidence-based innovative practice and policy across the spectrum of child welfare services including prevention of child abuse and neglect, family preservation and support, child and family protection, placement, and permanency services Trauma-informed, evidenced-based mental health practice within the child welfare system (e. g. screening, assessment, and treatment) Trauma and evidence-informed strategies and practices that improve the social and emotional well-being for children involved or at risk of involvement with child wel fare who experience trauma and/or exhibit trauma symptoms Culturally responsive models for youth, family, and community engagement in developing trauma-informed child welfare practice, policy, and systemic improvement Prevalence and impact of secondary traumatic stress on child welfare staff and evidence-based interventions indicated for secondary traumatic stress Role of cultural issues and cultural competency on developing trauma-informed child welfare ractice, policy, and systemic improvement Data collection, empirical investigation, and evaluation of the effects of identification, referral, and treatment on the safety, permanency, and well-being outcomes of children exposed to traumatic stress involved with the child welfare system Effective cross-system collaborations between child welfare, education, mental health, and juvenile justice systems in identifying and addressing the impact of trauma on children and families served by multiple systems While there are many promising p ractices emerging regarding the response of child welfare to address child traumatic stress, there is a need to document and share knowledge and experiences more broadly. CWLA is soliciting manuscripts that document and build on these experiences. Research-based articles and conceptual works referencing studies are welcome. Articles that document innovative and promising practices where knowledge is being built are also encouraged

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Bruce Lee

In the book Bruce Lee: They die young, writer John Lewis tells the story of the best fighter of all time. Only known as his family, Lee Jun Hwan, Bruce Lee is an enthusiastic boy who is particularly interested in fighting sports. Unfortunately, his life has become short only at the age of 32. Through this discipline but incredibly wonderful life thanks to his discipline, determination and self-improvement, Bruce Lee has proven to be a good example. One of the greatest features of Bruce Lee is his discipline. Dragon Bruce  · Lee Story based on the memoir of 1975 Linda  · Lee Blues  · Lee: Lee said that only the one I knew was in 1993 movies, in 2009 Documentary How to change the world Bruce Lee. Exhibition: In the summer of 2013, the Hong Kong Museum of Culture held the Kungfu Art Blues Lee of Life at the Hong Kong Museum of Culture. Because JACKIE CHAN BRUCE LEE | KUNGFU☠¯ (Martial Arts vs. Ze Kwon Do) 2 TUNGANS - Chinese Martial Arts Boxer! Jackie Chan's 2017 tribute to th e most exciting moments and clip editing with BRU Bruce Lee and the best battle scenes! Jackie Chan v. Bruce Lee! Special effects, martial arts battle, kickboxing speed of innovation skills, speed of agility of agility, mobility exercise, Jeet Kun Doo, Wing Chunki martial arts karate Taekwondo TKD JKD BJJ Muay Thai kickboxing, extreme vacuum hand jack chairon Hook western boxers, teaching of boxing trap interception! As a kung-fu movie and brother, Jackie Chan and Bruce Lee have one of the most beautiful brothers ever. Considering the death of Bruce Lee, Jackie often faces their time issues together. In a recent interview, Jackie Chan acknowledged that they had been bowled just days before the death of Bruce Lee. It is healthy, but it is very sad. Jackie Chan's Recent Hollywood Venture Capital Foreigners at opening weekend box office income over $ 100 million. At the age of 63, in the process of making a movie, Chen still performs most of his own stunts. Foreigners' success is unpre cedented, but this lovely Kung Fu Star keeps fascinating audiences of all ages and backgrounds, so it can not be denied. âÅ" ½ After Bruce Lee Jackie Chan died in a cinema in Hong Kong to meet the public's demand for martial arts movies. Besides Bruce Lee (Lee Zhongtao), Bruce Lee (Huang Guangli), Bruce Lee (Bruce Lee), Bruce Lee (Tao Tai), and: Bruce Lee has a name like the imitation theater series It was carried to. Other However, imitators can not capture the original excitement. A public who is not interested in any imitation, but experiences true martial arts interest. The movie needs a new star and another dragon uses examples to critically test kung fu as a global pop culture. Everyone is a battle of kung fu Please use examples to critically test kung fu as the world's pop culture. Everyone is a battle of kung fu Bruce Lee Imagine, beat teens wandering on the street waiting for a boy. Well, this is the life of an actor and fighter Bruce Lee. He is the victim of daily abuse. After school, he wandered around the city, but this is busy and cruel. But without these bullying, he will not be like him. Bruce Lee is very famous despite the fact that he died due to brain damage in 1973 as he is quite famous as a martial artist made with actors and the United States and China achievements Sometime old 30 to 7 years old. Dragon Bruce  · Lee Story based on the memoir of 1975 Linda  · Lee Blues  · Lee: Lee said that only the one I knew was in 1993 movies, in 2009 Documentary How to change the world Bruce Lee. Exhibition: In the summer of 2013, the Hong Kong Museum of Culture held the Kungfu Art Blues Lee of Life at the Hong Kong Museum of Culture. Because JACKIE CHAN BRUCE LEE | KUNGFU☠¯ (Martial Arts vs. Ze Kwon Do) 2 TUNGANS - Chinese Martial Arts Boxer! Jackie Chan's 2017 tribute to the most exciting m oments and clip editing with BRU Bruce Lee and the best battle scenes! Jackie Chan v. Bruce Lee! Special effects, martial arts battle, kickboxing speed of innovation skills, speed of agility of agility, mobility exercise, Jeet Kun Doo, Wing Chunki martial arts karate Taekwondo TKD JKD BJJ Muay Thai kickboxing, extreme vacuum hand jack chairon Hook western boxers, teaching of boxing trap interception! As a kung-fu movie and brother, Jackie Chan and Bruce Lee have one of the most beautiful brothers ever. Considering the death of Bruce Lee, Jackie often faces their time issues together. In a recent interview, Jackie Chan acknowledged that they had been bowled just days before the death of Bruce Lee. It is healthy, but it is very sad. Jackie Chan's Recent Hollywood Venture Capital Foreigners at opening weekend box office income over $ 100 million. At the age of 63, in the process of making a movie, Chen still performs most of his own stunts. Foreigners' success is unprecedented, but thi s lovely Kung Fu Star keeps fascinating audiences of all ages and backgrounds, so it can not be denied. âÅ" ½ After Bruce Lee Jackie Chan died in a cinema in Hong Kong to meet the public's demand for martial arts movies. Besides Bruce Lee (Lee Zhongtao), Bruce Lee (Huang Guangli), Bruce Lee (Bruce Lee), Bruce Lee (Tao Tai), and: Bruce Lee has a name like the imitation theater series It was carried to. Other However, imitators can not capture the original excitement. A public who is not interested in any imitation, but experiences true martial arts interest. The movie needs a new star and another dragon uses examples to critically test kung fu as a global pop culture. Everyone is a battle of kung fu Please use examples to critically test kung fu as the world's pop culture. Everyone is a battle of kung fu Bruce Lee Bruce  · Lee Christian  · Estrada March 22, 1996 Literature - 07 Biography  · Report brief Introduction Bruce Lee was born on November 27, 1940, the Chinese dragon year which is the moment of the dragon. From the beginning it was obvious that he was an exceptionally unique child with sufficient energy. His mother named him Lee Jun-hwan, which means going back again. When his parents and Guangdong Opera traveled together, she felt that she would return to America. Dragon Bruce  · Lee Story based on the memoir of 1975 Linda  · Lee Blues  · Lee: Lee said that only the one I knew was in 1993 movies, in 2009 Documentary How to change the world Bruce Lee. Exhibition: In the summer of 2013, the Hong Kong Museum of Culture held the Kungfu Art Blues Lee of Life at the Hong Kong Museum of Culture. Because JACKIE CHAN BRUCE LEE | KUNGFU☠¯ (Martial Arts vs. Ze Kwon Do) 2 TUNGANS - Chinese Martial Arts Boxer! Jackie Chan's 2017 tribute to the most exciting moments and clip editing with BRU Bruce Lee and the best battle scenes! Jackie Chan v. Bruce Lee! Special effects, martial arts battle, kickboxing speed of innovation skills, speed of agility of agility, mobility exercise, Jeet Kun Doo, Wing Chunki martial arts karate Taekwondo TKD JKD BJJ Muay Thai kickboxing, extreme vacuum hand jack chairon Hook western boxers, teaching of boxing trap interception! As a kung-fu movie and brother, Jackie Chan and Bruce Lee have one of the most beautiful brothers ever. Considering the death of Bruce Lee, Jackie often faces their time issues together. In a recent interview, Jackie Chan acknowledged that they had been bowled just days before the death of Bruce Lee. It is healthy, but it is very sad. Jackie Chan's Recent Hollywood Venture Capital Foreigners at opening weekend box office income over $ 100 million. At the age of 63, in the process of making a movie, Chen still performs most of his own stunts. Foreigners' success is unprecedented, but this lovely Kung Fu Star k eeps fascinating audiences of all ages and backgrounds, so it can not be denied. âÅ" ½ After Bruce Lee Jackie Chan died in a cinema in Hong Kong to meet the public's demand for martial arts movies. Besides Bruce Lee (Lee Zhongtao), Bruce Lee (Huang Guangli), Bruce Lee (Bruce Lee), Bruce Lee (Tao Tai), and: Bruce Lee has a name like the imitation theater series It was carried to. Other However, imitators can not capture the original excitement. A public who is not interested in any imitation, but experiences true martial arts interest. The movie needs a new star and another dragon uses examples to critically test kung fu as a global pop culture. Everyone is a battle of kung fu Please use examples to critically test kung fu as the world's pop culture. Everyone is a battle of kung fu bruce lee Bruce Lee Blues Lee is probably the best fighter of all time. I was born in San Francisco, California on November 27, 1940. A few months after he was born, Bruce and his family returned to Hong Kong. Bruce starred in many movies as a child. The role he initially starred was actually when he was 6 years old. This is the character Little Orphan Sam in the movie. At the age of 12, Bruce began teaching martial arts from legendary Eien Spring artist Master Shif Yapman. Bruce Lee personally recognized three coaches: Taki  · Kimura, James  · Imrie and Dan  · Inosanto. Inosanto came directly from Lee Elong (coach) of Chinese Kung Fu of Jeet Kune Do, Jun Fan Gung Fu and Bruce Lee. Taky Kimura is ranked 5th in Jun Fan Gung Fu. James Yimm Lee went 3rd in Jun Fan Gung Fu. Ted Wong got second in Jeet Kune who was directly accredited by Bruce Lee, later promoted to coach of Dan Inosanto. Since Mr. Li's death, other Jeet Kune Do coaches have been certified directly by Dan Inosanto, some of wh ich still have certificates signed by Bruce Lee. Linda Lee's memoir of 1975 Bruce Lee: 1993 film based on only a man I knew Dragon: The Story of Bruce Lee and 2009 Documentary How Bruce Lee changes the world Lee's life is depicted in. In the summer of 2013, the Hong Kong Cultural Museum hosted the exhibition Lee Kodoku: Kung Fu Art Life. BRUCE LEE vs. JACKIE CHAN | 2 TUNGANS OF KUNGFU ☠¯ (Giant clone vs. wish) - Chinese fighting boxer! The best battle scene 2017 of Bru Lee Xiaolong and Jackie Chan is a tribute to the most exciting moments and editors. Jackie Chan v. Bruce Lee! Stunt, Martial Arts Fight, Boxing Kicking Speed ​​Technical Skill Agility Strength, Mobility Sports, Martial Arts Karate Martial Arts Karate Taekwondo TKD JKD BJJ Kickboxing Muay Thai, Kyokushin Kairon Karate Javelin Hook Western Boxer, Trap Intercept Boxing Teaching As brothers of martial arts and films, Jackie Chan and Bruce Lee are among the most beautiful brothers in history. Considering the death of Bruce Lee, Jackie often faces their time issues together. In a recent interview, Jackie Chan acknowledged that they were bowling just a few days before Bruce Lee's death. It is healthy, but it is very sad. Jackie Chan's recent Hollywood venture capital company, The Foreigner, earned over $ 100 million box office revenue in the US at the weekend opening. In the process of making a movie, Chen is still doing much of his own stunt performance when he is 63 years old. Although the success of foreigners is unprecedented, it is undeniable as this lovely Kung Fu Star keeps fascinating audiences of all ages and backgrounds. âÅ" ½

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Compare or Contrast two politians Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Compare or Contrast two politians - Essay Example They tolerated political dissent in their respective countries a. President Obama is tolerant of the criticism hurled against him. b. President Aquino did not do any crackdown when protesters gathered against him. III. President Barack Obama of the United States and President Benigno Aquino of the Philippines are respected leaders in the world a. President Barack Obama is the leader of the free world being the President of the most powerful country in the world. b. President Benigno Aquino is considered an icon of democracy in Asia Outline page Thesis: President Barack Obama of the United States and President Benigno Aquino of the Philippines were icons of democracy. They were elected through a popular vote, tolerated dissent and respected leaders of the free world. I. Elected through a popular vote was the political mechanism that President Obama was elected through a college system of U.S. voting system where the various states elected the candidates and President Benigno Aquino wa s elected through a popular landslide vote. a. President Obama was elected through a college system of U.S. voting system where the various states elected the candidates which is the political system in the US. b. President Benigno Aquino was elected through a popular landslide vote over several candidates during the 2010 election. II. They tolerated political dissent in their respective countries where President Obama is tolerant of the criticism hurled against him and President Aquino did not do any crackdown when protesters gathered against him. a. President Obama is tolerant of the criticism hurled against him especially with the introduction of the expanded healthcare known as Obamacare. b. President Aquino did not do any crackdown when protesters gathered against him when Filipinos gathered around the Luneta Park to protest the use of Pork Barrel. III. President Barack Obama of the United States and President Benigno Aquino of the Philippines are respected leaders in the world because President Barack Obama is the leader of the free world being the President of the most powerful country in the world and President Benigno Aquino is considered an icon of democracy in Asia. a. President Barack Obama is the leader of the free world being the President of the most powerful country in the world and can influence other governments to follow the path of democracy. b. President Benigno Aquino is considered an icon of democracy in Asia being the son of President Corazon Aquino who popularized the democratic protest of â€Å"People Power†. Essay The Democratic Political System Democracy is a political system where leaders must have the consent of the governed before they can rule. It is a political exercise derived from the Greeks where decisions are made based on the benefit of the majority and not just by some people. Democracy is also a political environment where people are free and have equal rights. These freedom and rights are guaranteed in their Cons titution or the law that governs their countries. These political system in practiced in the United States and Philippines where their leaders President Barack Obama and President Aquino has to be elected through popular vote, tolerant of political dissent their respective countries and respected leaders in the world. Elected through a popular vote was the political mechanism that President Obama catapulted him into office which is a college system of U.S. voting system where the various states elected

Monday, October 7, 2019

Explaining the Magic of Physics in Everyday Life Assignment

Explaining the Magic of Physics in Everyday Life - Assignment Example This is because natural motion seems similar when time is run backwards as the laws of motion are symmetric in relation to reversal of time. In Peter’s case, time was run backwards in the film. The equations required to explain motion under consistent acceleration are similar as those used to explain the motion of an object in a film playing in reverse. The tension on the pants would not be changed at all. Tension is as a result of two forces acting in opposite directions. It is a tensor. It can be assumed that in the Levi Strauss trademark when the two horses are pulling the pants each horse exerts a force of 10,000N, hence, each horse is exerting the same amount of force on the pants which results in a deadlock. If one horse was used to pull the pants while attached to a tree trunk, the tree trunk would also exert an equal amount of force because for every action there is a reaction. Hence, the tension in the pants would not be reduced by one half. For if it was to be reduced by one half, it means the horse would pull away the pants from the log. Air bubbles rise steadily under water. This is because air is less dense than water therefore the force of gravity acting on the bubble will be less causing the air bubble to float. The air bubble will increase its size to the surface of the water since it expands with decreasing pressure. As the volume of the bubbles increases, they will become less dense than water because of the lowered pressure. The iron disk is a metal which is a solid. It is well known that when solids are heated, they expand. Molecules in the iron disk vibrate about their mean position upon heating. As the heating is increased, the vibration of the molecules in the iron disk about their mean position increases. The molecules in the iron disk will move farther from each other as the energy from heating increases. This means that the iron disk shall expand. The diameter of the hole

Sunday, October 6, 2019

Spatialization Paper Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Spatialization Paper - Assignment Example The Chinese city of Beijing, is a good example of the impact that globalization has on the people and the environment. While the concept made it possible for multinational companies (MNCs) from United States and United Kingdom to seek cheap manufacturing plants owing to cheap labor costs, it has experienced a fair share of problems related to generation of immense pollution and the contamination of the environment especially from the toxic greenhouse gases emitted from the factories. For these reasons, it is important to assess the impact of contemporary globalization in the city of Beijing and determine whether it is turning the city into a meaningful region or reaping it apart. The large population in the Chinese city of Beijing is a good factor for cheap labor (Piron, 2006). Many factories are located in the city because it provides a large population of unemployment. Besides, the country does not have effective labor regulatory organizations that can push these factories to provide appropriate and standardized salaries and work conditions for its employees. Many employees are hired on contractual basis. Although these put the life of the workers at jeopardy, it provides an ample position of companies to generate huge revenues. One many factor that impart negatively on the city is the generation of pollution. Chinese cities have the worse pollution records in the world. Rapid industrialization in the cities that deals with the manufacturing industries like hey facilities, heavy industries, the cement processing, and steel works. These industries form the integral part of the country’s development agenda and the prosperity of the nation (Marginson a nd Gugielmo, 2010; Brewster et al., 2004). These industries use coal, oil and other forms of non-renewable forms of energy that generates huge amounts of greenhouse gases, which accumulates into the atmosphere. The effects of contemporary globalization have lured

Saturday, October 5, 2019

MANAGEMENT AND LEADERSHIP Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

MANAGEMENT AND LEADERSHIP - Research Paper Example Immelt had big shoes to fill but he has carved a niche for himself through his leadership skills and today is one most influential business leaders in the world. Immelt before becoming the CEO of GE had held numerous leadership positions in the company. He had served as Vice President and General Manager for different business division of the company. This paper is aimed at understanding and analyzing the leadership, management and motivational skills of Immelt and how he has used it to take GE to new heights. In the process, the different businesses of the company will be described along with the three major challenges Immelt has overcome in running the company since he has became the CEO. His various leadership skills and strategies can be understood while analysing the challenges. Also the impact that Immelt has had on the world through his vision, business and through other areas will be discussed. When Immelt took over as the CEO he wanted to bring about a cultural revolution in the company. In a company that was process-oriented and hard-driving, he wanted to infuse creativity, bold thinking and hunger for growth into its culture. Also it is to be noted that Immelt took over just a few days before the 9/11 attack, which means that the economic situation in which Immelt started his stint was not an ideal one. It was a great challenge to Immelt to sustain and continue the growth of the company in an era of slow-growth domestic economy, greater global competition and lesser tolerance among investors. In order to achieve his vision of reinventing GE Immelt overcame the following challenges: In order to change the organizational culture that would focus on innovation and creativity, there needed to be a change in thinking. There was very little that Immelt could do single handed to completely change the company and transform his workforce. Majority of the workforce in the company

Friday, October 4, 2019

Diplomatic Relations between Countries Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Diplomatic Relations between Countries - Essay Example For example, there is "rupture" which is often used to refer to a breach of diplomatic relations. However, it may also connote a lesser deterioration in relations between two states.1 Lesser deterioration is what may generally obtain in diplomatic relations and not complete breakdown which implies belligerent status such as war. Diplomatic relations are rather complex in that both relationship issues and substantive issues maybe involved. The first refers to the way countries deal with each other, whether logically or emotionally, clearly or ambiguously, honestly or deceptively.2 The second concern issues that are the subjects of discrete negotiations, for example, the terms of a treaty, the price of one product, the levels of armaments.3 Apparently, when relationship is not problematic, substantive issues are easier to deal with. History is replete with accounts of diplomatic relations gone sour and broken down, followed by corresponding actions taken. A complete breakdown is a serious matter, implying that the countries involved are not interested even in the future where they can be friends. 4 Nevertheless, there are ways of salvaging fledgling relationships, but they need to follow some basic principles. For this portion, this paper largely centers on discussions of Scott Brown,5 a founding member of the acclaimed Harvard Negotiation Project. Brown advises to be unconditionally constructive on relationship issues. He states that indeed, many diplomatic relations function poorly, and he explains why and how they can be improved. II. Diplomatic Relations Before any substantive issue is to be dealt with, relationship issues must be looked into. There are six categories of relationship issues according to Brown: 6 the balance of emotion with reason between the two countries; their level of common understanding; the extent and nature of communication between them; the degree of trust between the two; the level of coercion as a method of influence; and, the degree of acceptance of the legitimacy of the negotiating partner. Diplomatic relations may therefore be said to have strong correlations with understanding, communication, trust, influence, and acceptance of negotiator. If something is wrong with any of these, the diplomatic relation may not be exactly wholesome but tittering on the brink of rupture. A. Mediated relationships. Diplomatic relations may be understood as special relationships between countries where they ink agreements, whether economic, political, social, and the like. These relations are specially firmed up with treaties to keep peace and order in the region, and at times with the involvement of a bigger power. The Taiwan Relations Act of 1979 was signed into law for the purpose of establishing a new relationship with Taiwan after U.S. recognized the People's Republic of China.(PRC)7 One thing that plagues Taiwan seemingly forever is its determination to be the China, and the United States in this case acts as mediator. Since it is the PRC that the United States has recognized, it also has to chalk up a relationship with Taiwan. In Wen Jiabao's 8 speech hosted by nine American Organizations, he said that people sincerely hope to see a peaceful settlement of the Taiwan question in the midst of Taiwan's separatist tendencies. Batting for the One China policy, and challenging America to understand it, Wen Jiabao